e2 Chalet was a blast!!
Alright, back from the E2 Chalet '06 just last night! It was Supercalifragilisticexpialacious!!! Wahahaha. Although it was raining for almost the whole duration of our stay, I think we still had some fun here & there. *smiles* So, there were no BBQ & we cooked, fried instead! Wahahahaz.

Audrey: funny girl who was my class neighbour, made me talked faster, Siewhoon & brother!

Alright, so that was about the chalet... After that, the group of survivors (yeah!) went off to Escape. Wahahahaz. It was me, Yuting, Siewhoon, Vosh & Samuel! Whee~

And of course, what's a gathering if there's no Group Photo?

Hahaha. Chalet, don't really quite remember what happened. But I know I had fun! So, I suppose it was alright. Hmmm... some funny stuff happened too (insiders' story) Some drama happened also (insiders' story once again) People changed for better or worse. *sticks tongue* Hmmm... was really busy on Thursday I remembered. Went off to school for OGL at 0730. Came back, showered, rested & off to dance class. Reached back there at 2300+. Wahahaha. But it was fun larz. And thanks to Siewhoon too. For shoo-ing me off to sleep at 0130. Or else I think I'll be dead during dance.
Last but not least, A BIG BIG THANKS to all those who came, who participated, who brought their other half, who organised, who what-ever-else-knot!!! Hahaha. Really, it was FANTASTIC!
And for the moment, can't recall what else I wanna say, but I'll add on next time! Oh yea, for those who want photos, gimme a message when I'm online! Hahaha. That's all folks! *smiles*