星期六, 十月 31, 2009


Boo! It's Saturday Halloween Special!

Watching a string of Simpsons halloween special episode. And surprisingly, before that, was actually watching Spiderman cartoon! Can you believe that? The marvel comic, 1990's Spiderman cartoon! Really, spiderman is still my favorite cartoon superhero.

Come to think about it, cartoons nowadays are disgusting. Whatever happened to smurfs, mickey mouse, looney tunes? The times when cartoon art are still decent and great. Now, it's just those horrible and sketchy drawings. No offense to the artist who drew them. But, it's just... gross. Yeah...

I don't know. Cartoons now are just so different.

Man, I think I'm growing sideways pretty soon. Suddenly, am having cravings for burgers. So. Got. To. Exercise. After. ORD. Argh. Really, I've to get my butt moving.

Weather's kind of cold today. Just the perfect weather to snuggle up on a couch, watch some great shows or perhaps read a book, undisturbed, or listen to songs, with nobody else around. Yeah... That's what I feel like doing. Well, besides getting something to eat as well.

Argh... Hungry... Hungry... Need food...

By the way, if anyone who ever reads this, and if you're wondering why the whole post seems so illogical & irrelevant, and perhaps not making much sense, well, it wasn't meant to. That's 'cos this was written over a few hours, at different intervals. Yep.

And crap. Now I've just dug my own grave. Torn between watching Simpsons and Spiderman. Sigh~

星期五, 十月 30, 2009

Look to the right!

Alright. Cool shit.

Evidently, I'd just twigged my blog a little. Now, it has a functional playlist. No more of the 30 seconds preview nonsense from imeem. So cute somemore. *laughs*

Yup. So, am just here to say about this. Now people can start to know the music/songs that I like. Heheh.

星期日, 十月 25, 2009

The Husband, The Wife and The Talking Table

Oh damn...

Finally, am done with helping out Audrey's friends with their film project. It was quite a tough 3days/night thing. Sigh~ But I suppose this would be somewhat similar to professional filming? You know, work unearthly hours, dragging things through the night and such. Awesome.

Compared to the previous 2 I'd helped out in, I think this one was rather interesting & perhaps somewhat challenging. Yea... Especially the first day shoot. Oh gosh, that was a terror. A nightmare. But it was quite a good experience.

So, now, am somewhat tired, sleepy. Having gone about 34 hours without sleep now. And to think that I'll be on course tomorrow onwards. Exciting.

Well, guess that's about it for now then.


星期五, 十月 23, 2009

Muderous Intent

Fuck chi-bai.

I cannot describe how short my fuse is now.

0208 hours. Awake, trying to piece my dance together. Wanting to watch my long awaited commissioning video/photos.

And the mother son just refuse to go and sleep. ARGH! Maybe I shouldn't even start with this post. But I just need to vent this out, so that I may continue with my choreography. Fuck.

It's like the more I write, the more I think into it, the more infuriated, furious, irritated, annoyed, frustrated I get. Just 'cos I don't have to fucking work tomorrow, he thinks he can pull a late-nighter and, fuck, play that fuck game. I'm seriously deleting it away. Like. WHAT THE FUCK TIME IS IT NOW! Fish you understand. Bitch.

Fucking. Go. To. Sleep. Already. ARGH!!! Can't take much more of this.

And so, what the fuck in the world is going to happen next day? Like, he fucking won't be able to wake up. And fuck this shit & fuck that shit. Fuck. And then start complaining here & there. Fuck. My guess is, this is probably what happened the other time with Army Half Marathon! FUCK YOU> Seriously, I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive this ridiculous action/behavior/habit. Fuck.

And fucking chi-bai, at this rate, I'll probably won't have the time & energy to go down and do my uni application again.


And fucking hell. You just go and decide to sleep now. 0223 hours. Fucking great. Fuck.

星期日, 十月 18, 2009


Went to my aunt's yesterday. Basically, the whole jean-gang was there. All the aunts and uncles and cousins. Well, almost all. Been some time since I saw them all. Blast.

And my bro taught our niece a new word. Booms. Seriously, that's the new Singlish vocab now.

Had went out for a little while just now. Met with Audrey's friend & herself. Along with Marie (my dance partner). Some thing about their short film project.

She had to pull out in the end. Well, you know, being attached and all. As Edwin (Audrey's friend) started explaining the details, I'd sort of expected it. Sigh... Not that I'm blaming you Marie (if you happen to read this)! Really.

This brings me to think, will I be like that the next time I'm in a relationship myself? I keep telling myself that I won't. But I have a feeling I will. Logical and rational thinking will tell me that it's all good. There's nothing wrong. Just friends, you know. It's not like they're really into it.

On the other hand, emotions & feelings tend to cloud our logic & common sense, overwriting every other thing that goes on in our head. I think I will just die if I'm ever like that. Hahaha.

Kind of ironic and hypocrite as well. Since I do kind of, you know, those guys, sometimes. Oh well. Cheers to singlehood?


星期五, 十月 16, 2009

131009. Day after the last day of the course I'd went for. Well, some really really nice & unexpected things happened. And well, stayed out till late. Had to actually cab back home.

Wednesday was a lousy day. Things happened, here, there, everywhere. Rushed around. Barely had time for my meals.

Sigh~ I don't know why, but I seem to like to sigh a lot in my blog. The one place where I can rant for all I care. Stop and think. Reflect back and such. Possibly reason why I sigh so much here.

Can't wait for Sunday. Getting back my art piece. I think it'll be weird if I set up my blog to sell art pieces. Damn weird. But I'd thought of it before. Just hadn't really thought what I would like to draw and put up. Any suggestions, anyone?

And just the other day, I found out that sister and I had a big common trait. We like to 'nua' a lot. 'Nua' monster as she puts it. *laughs*

Happy like bird.

星期六, 十月 03, 2009


Now, just as I was sitting in the toilet the day before yesterday, the whistle sounded, marking the start of flag lowering.

Random thoughts. I'd suddenly remember the time, back in primary school, where during one of the flag lowering (you know, back in primary school they have flag lowering for p.m. sessions, and flag raising for a.m. sessions), I was literally in the toilet. Sitting down as well. Sigh.

That brings me to the days where I was one of the 4 flag bearer. Really, up till this day, I'm still wondering how was it they chose those flag bearer people (those who raise/lower the flags). It was great fun.

There was me, Jia Pei, Guan Heng & one more guy. Think his name was... Erm... David or something... Oh well.

Well, it was fun. We get to skip lessons all the time (considering that one period was only 30minutes, 5 to 10 minutes was pretty much at that time). And the perfect excuse for it as well. Flag lowering. *laugh*

Oh, oh! And you know how sometimes, the principal or discipline master will just stand in front of everyone, and give lectures when the school;s not behaving? Well, call it child's sadism. We enjoyed it. Mainly because we're not in that crowd of students. So, it doesn't feel like he's scolding us or anything. Yeah, childish, I know. But we were only 11 or 12 at the time.

Primary school days.

But primary school days weren't exactly all happy memories too... Like how I always get my weekend burn (not out playing, for your info). And how... how someone could have seriously injured or killed me in rage. And the time where I had to stand in front of everyone in assembly when I was just primary 1 (it was a miserable feeling), as well as in primary 5 (I was trying my best not to laugh while on stage)(and did I mention I was like the monitor when I went up stage in P5? Yea... Rebel kid).

Childhood. Anything beyond primary school, I can't remember anything anymore.

I think primary school's really a time where you have to teach a kid what's right and wrong. Even if it means being tough on your kids at times. 'Cos that's the age where they will still listen to you.

With the right moral/values/blah-blah-blah, I think they might just find the not-so-havoc-kind-of-crowd in secondary school. Well, I don't know how I was brought up, but.

I think I like the way that I am now (not as in my situation, my situation sucks big time now, for your info). And I'm intending to stay like this for as long as I can. If, forever is not possible.

星期四, 十月 01, 2009

Awesome break.

Well, first, there are some things that are scaring me. Not, the scare-scare kind of sense, but, well, scare. Get the picture? Doesn't matter if you don't anyway. *Sigh*

And it's been quite some time, the previous week. Let's see... Took leave on Friday. I think I'd went somewhere, but can't remember. Saturday, Sunday. Monday, public holiday.

Tuesday and Wednesday, went for range. Stayed in for like the rare few times this year. It was quite an experience, staying in after so long.

Thursday, totally slacked at home.

*Edits* HAHA. I remember now! Thursday, slept till damn late. then woke up and went to Lasalle to meet my brother and cousin, Andrea. Had a birthday lunch with her at 15minutes. Then, sort of a tour around the school. Went on to SMU where she gave me a tour of the underground link. Pretty awesome. It's like a self-sustained village.

Met up with sister after that. Had discussed about Audrey's birthday plan. (If you're reading this, it was quite a pain in the head. Hahaha.) Well, she had messaged me asking about it actually. Just so happened that I was in the vicinity. Yup.

Then, totally waited for 1 to 2 hours to meet her again after her project meeting. Met up with YuTing too. Kind of discussed a bit, then left for home.

Friday, friday. Went out to celebrate Audrey's birthday lor. Can't believed that we actually went to a LAN shop and played "Left 4 Dead" till almost dawn. Oh. Watched the show "Inglorious Bastards" as well. It was good, in my opinion.

*End of Edits*

Friday, headed out with some friends. Crap. Everything is just so vague to me now... Sobs. Can't seem to be able to remember any damn thing...

So, Saturday, went out to meet MingJie, Kristelle & Amy. Had lunch, 'cos I was hungry. Then went to play WII! It was retarded & hilarious fun. "Rayman's Rabbids" were the main reason. Beside the fact that I played two controllers in the tennis game.

After that, had dinner at this Fisherman's Wharf place. Not bad at all. Love the sauce. *laughs*

After which, we went separate ways. I went to meet up with Alex, Nicole, Regina & Yuting. Went to MIND and played.

Reached home pretty late. And the next day: Mangrove Expedition!

It was awesome. Although was quiet for most of the time (as Henrietta commented), I think I was just... Erm... Taking in the moment. Getting back to the me that was me the last time. The one who would always jump at the opportunity of such outdoor activities.

Thanks girl.

Did I mention that I had to wake up damn early for the expedition? Yup. But I'd managed quite well. Thanks to NS, I suppose? *Sigh*

Then, came mother, my brother's convocation! Well, great moment for him and all. I suppose. Graduation, get degree after all. "ORD. Back to studies. Got degree, so happy."

And then came Tuesday, where it's back to my same old usual routine of NS life. *Sigh* Can't wait to ORD. *Sigh once more*
