Now, just as I was sitting in the toilet the day before yesterday, the whistle sounded, marking the start of flag lowering.
Random thoughts. I'd suddenly remember the time, back in primary school, where during one of the flag lowering (you know, back in primary school they have flag lowering for p.m. sessions, and flag raising for a.m. sessions), I was literally in the toilet. Sitting down as well. Sigh.
That brings me to the days where I was one of the 4 flag bearer. Really, up till this day, I'm still wondering how was it they chose those flag bearer people (those who raise/lower the flags). It was great fun.
There was me, Jia Pei, Guan Heng & one more guy. Think his name was... Erm... David or something... Oh well.
Well, it was fun. We get to skip lessons all the time (considering that one period was only 30minutes, 5 to 10 minutes was pretty much at that time). And the perfect excuse for it as well. Flag lowering. *laugh*
Oh, oh! And you know how sometimes, the principal or discipline master will just stand in front of everyone, and give lectures when the school;s not behaving? Well, call it child's sadism. We enjoyed it. Mainly because we're not in that crowd of students. So, it doesn't feel like he's scolding us or anything. Yeah, childish, I know. But we were only 11 or 12 at the time.
Primary school days.
But primary school days weren't exactly all happy memories too... Like how I always get my weekend burn (not out playing, for your info). And how... how someone could have seriously injured or killed me in rage. And the time where I had to stand in front of everyone in assembly when I was just primary 1 (it was a miserable feeling), as well as in primary 5 (I was trying my best not to laugh while on stage)(and did I mention I was like the monitor when I went up stage in P5? Yea... Rebel kid).
Childhood. Anything beyond primary school, I can't remember anything anymore.
I think primary school's really a time where you have to teach a kid what's right and wrong. Even if it means being tough on your kids at times. 'Cos that's the age where they will still listen to you.
With the right moral/values/blah-blah-blah, I think they might just find the not-so-havoc-kind-of-crowd in secondary school. Well, I don't know how I was brought up, but.
I think I like the way that I am now (not as in my situation, my situation sucks big time now, for your info). And I'm intending to stay like this for as long as I can. If, forever is not possible.
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