Browsing through the numerous profiles of Facebook today, I'd realised that qutie a number of them have change in a way or another.
And it just seems that, in a mysterious way or another, the girls are always the ones who change the most, in terms of appearance. Hmmm... Hahaha.
Then, today on the bus 858, on the way home, I saw an action. This led me to think - Why is it that some people are just so inconsiderate. Sigh~ I feel like I'm beginning to complain too much. I feel... so not me.
I just to lead an easy & carefree life.
That's all.
I should start looking on the bright side of life more now. August. My August. Where are you? Oh, chatted for a bit with Audrey on Facebook. Was simply too bored. Then was intending to prank call Keith, but didn't managed to find the time to. Damn.
Alright, a bit on more surgery. (Yes! Finally, after 20 years of my life, went through one surgery. Haha. Experienced power of technology huh.) SO, I wasn't put to sleep for the process, as such, totally wide awake. It was local anesthesia, so the doc just kept injecting into my ass. I must have felt around 3 to 5 pricks. Ouch. Waited for a while. Waited. Then he began the operation. There I was, lying butt-naked, waiting to feel something slice my skin open.
Instead. There was nothing at all! Oh my. Throughout the whole thing, just didn't felt a single thing. Well, maybe except for the last part. Where I felt the doc pulling at the strings to tighten the wound. And perhaps for another 2 or 3 pricks from the stitching part.
Yep. So that was about it. Hahaha. Pretty interesting & cool. The nurse and doc was there to chat with me. Okay, more of the nurse, since the doc was more interested in the operation. Yeah, so she was there to keep my boredom out. Heheh.
And to think after that, went to had lunch with Regina. *laughs*
And oh man. Saw Keith's Facebook profile. Sweet. Really sweet.
Good going Keith! And then shortly will be Jerome. Then it'll be me left. Awesome. Hah!
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