星期六, 三月 07, 2009


Whew~ Yesterday was such a day. Bloody hot.

And today's such an angsty day. This & that. That & this. So much problems. So irritating. So much angst. Argh... And the constant yawning, possibly indicating a lack of sleep, doesn't really help much at all.

Sigh, sigh, sigh.

If only... But... Isn't it?

This really isn't a very nice Saturday. Damn it.

Read a few blogs just now too. And gosh. It's like, so depressing. All the latest post. Really, do we live 20 years of our life to be this depressed at this point of time? Everyday's like falling nothingness.

Alright, I've no idea what rubbish I'm spouting out now.

Cut all the fingernails on my lefty. Left those on the right long.



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