Let's have a discussion today!
Sigh~ There's just soo much to do for spring cleaning. Especially more so when there's like tonnes & tonnes of items that are useless, yet not to be thrown away. By orders of dad. Nonsense. As long as those items are not used for so long, and not seeing any usage in the future, might as well throw it away!
So, my room's more or less done. Parents' room, don't care, 'cos no one's ever going to step inside anyway. Living room, still got quite some bit to go. Kitchen - not started. *Gasp* That's not much time left. Right?
Well, currently, still on course. Sleep- Nevermind. Yep, still on course. *BIG smile*
Saturday, main highlight - Lion Dance. Forecast for next Lion Dance event: 2nd February.
Let's see... Hmmm... The-guy-whose-msn-display-picture-hasn't-changed-for-as-long-as-I-can-remember. Really, he's awesome. One hell of a guy. Great determination and self-motivated. I've never seen someone who can mug as hard/long as he can. Yup.
Actually, to kind of tell the truth, he's one of those people whom I never thought I'll be cliq-ing with. *laughs* It's just one of those life's surprises huh? Pleasant surprise, that is. *smile*
So, sort of got to talk to him & know him, slowly. We... had played basketball ball together. Soccer. Well, those are class events anyway. Hahaha. Yep. Then, of course, gaying around with Joseph helped too. Heheh.
Back in Secondary School, him 'thrashing out' with Henrietta was I got to know him too. Sigh~ The number of times when he was actually called a ku-ku. *laugh* Oh dear, thinking back to those days, I just can't help smiling to myself.
Posting to Yishun JC, well, at that point of time, it was rather miserable. Shall say 'bout that another time. (If I remember, that is)
He got posted there too. I supposed those times were the times where we really got to talk to each other more often. Yep.
Oh, almost forgot, thanks. A lot. for the time during YJ's OCIP. Pre, during, post. It was... calming, thoughtful, funny. *big grin/smile/laugh*
Then, the time came when he really came into the clique that we are now. That was Battle Preparation Days for A'Levels. It's funny, you know, how our clique started out as a muggers' society.
Yep, so, through those days we mugged. He was really the consultant back then. Knowledgable and all. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't really have the results that I have today. *smiles* And it was a great time to be doing GP with him too. Well, together with Valerie too, of course. The 2 great thinkers in our group. Got to know quite a few insights, just by listening to their conversation. Yep. So, he got to help me out in talking topics out for General Paper.
You are one of those.

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