First Encounter. Encounters.
Let's just do friends, shall we? I mean, with family? What's the point? Like I'll ever remember the first time with them.
So, who shall we have first? I know. Audrey. *laughing with tears* Now, that'll be interesting for me to think about.
So, year was... 2004. That was when we were in Sec 3. Come to think about it. She'd never really. You know. Still, I recall she sitting... somewhere round me. With Jerald as well. *laugh* Those 2 could go on & on for the whole day through school. Literally.
It was quite entertaining. Still can remember the time Jerald was going on about hamburgers. And she was saying just how sick he could get. Ahahaha. And all the time he calls her goose. In the event that you're reading this, Audrey. I think I still have THE photo of you. Somewhere. I'm thinking she'll be screaming her head off if she ever does see it.
"Delete! Delete! DELETE IT!"
That'll probably be what she screams. Heh.
Now then, there was also the time when I was her neighnour in class. I.e. sitting beside her. And all the time how she complains how slow I am in my speech. Honestly, those comments, they didn't really register into my ear. Sorry Audrey. Hahaha.
Oh, oh. And also the times where she would comment on That Fellow. Now. I would think her image of him hasn't really changed much.
So, well. That's Audrey Lim Hui Qing.

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