Now, that's a Friend indeed.
Now, people must be thinking, how the hell am I so free? Blogging everyday even though I'm serving National Service. Well, that's the truth of life.
You know, they always say, "The busiest of man always find time." Or something like that. Nah... Just kidding. I AM quite free actually. Every night. Of course, there's things waiting for me to do, but, procrastination is the thief of time.
So, going to go on course, starting tomorrow. Lasts till 22 January. Awesome.
You know, the first time I'd really known her, was pretty much through friends. Oh, and these 2 friends, they're great people too. *smiles* I still remember, it was for the Singapore Youth Festival. That was in Secondary 3 as well. She was together with my friends, in a team, that is to say, with Yiling & Jean. Well, they still just as close as they were in the past.
So, I hadn't really talked much to her at all in class. It was only AFTER class that we'd really talked. Maybe more of laughed. Gosh... Those were really the days. Secondary 3. All the time spent in the art studio, creating our 'master-piece'. The long hours spent, the nonsense shared, jokes laughed at (or shuddered at), gimmicks used, food ate, yadder, yadder, yadder...
I do think that was also the time where she'd really seen another side of me. Ah, what am I talking about? That was about the only time, during secondary school, that the 3 of them saw another side of me. Art really can open people up huh.
Oh, and the time where we stayed till quite late in school. And there were these sweets. Sweets she took for those used for prayers. Sigh~
And the times when she would walked past The classroom. *laughs* Frankly speaking, she's a good girl. Strong & independent. And fun.
And oh deary me. Up till now, I still can't believe how retarded she had looked last time! *gasp* *laughing out loud* Sorry sista. But seriously. Once you review your secondary school photos. Alright, not saying that I'm any better. Hahahaha. I'd must looked quite retarded last time too. Hahs.
Indescribably glad to have known you, Ong Si Hui Valerie.

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