Untitled Space
Been some time. Really. 3weeks? 4weeks? I'd lost count.
Chinese New Year. Was great seeing all my cousins & relatives again. Technology is pretty interesting.

New Year greeting through the screen. Taking photos with the cousin stuck in the screen. Passing ba-kwa to behind the screen. *laughs* That's the first part. Of CNY Day 1 I believe.

That's the later part CNY Day 1. My beloved other snake cousin.
CNY's been a great time. But post CNY hasn't really been great. According to the Chinese Calendaer, I didn't fan tai shui this year. But. It hasn't really been good. Something... Something just feel amiss.
Can't really sort of describe me, myself right now. Just am at a loss of words. For now. I hope. You know, I have this feeling. Thought. At this point of time in my life. That I'd figured myself. Well, I guess not. Now, I don't even know what I want. It's like... Having The Compass, but not knowing what you want. So, it just spins round & round, with no real destination.
Hope I find what I find some answers soon. Don't really like to feel lost.
Perhaps. My dinner date may help me out.
Oh. Don't get the wrong idea here. Nothing going on. Nothing much. Just a meeting between 2 friends who haven't met for quite some time now.
Sigh~ Whirlwind of thoughts again.
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