Now. Today. It has to be one of the more interesting chapter in my life. *laughs* Believe it or not, I had actually wrote a complaint letter to SBS Transit. *shakes head in disbelief* But frankly, I couldn't take it in. And well, it was quite fun. Venting some fustration.
Curious huh. Well, let's just put it that the 'bus captain', so they call it, was being one big bloody peanut butter jam of a bastard. Yep.
I don't know. Really. But my guess? Life wouldn't had been the same if it weren't for this girl. I do suppose she's a special girl.
I can still quite remember. The first time I met her. I beleive I was in the hall. That was in 2003, Secondary 2. Erm... The hall was kind of like my (MY) *sticks tongue out* hang-out place. Yup. Explains for my dissappearance during recess.
Anyway! I was in the hall, with Nelson, playing/training/fooling-around. All of a sudden, came along this little girl, skipping her way towards us. And I was like... "Ermm... Okay... Skipping? Hmmm..."
I continued with what I was doing (probably playing on the mushroom) while Nelson chatted away with her. Alright, more like teasing her. Being total strangers (she might have known who the hell I was, but I've absolutely no idea who she is. That's what I was, almost, forever like back in gymnastics. Training means training) with her, she suddenly offered me this chunk of chocolate. I was like: What?! But well, the chocolate managed to seduced me in the end.
Things went like that. Strangely, we somehow became friends. And somehow, landed in the same class, 3E2.
You know, friendship is a mysterious thing indeed. It just is. It just comes like that. You never know when it starts & all.
She was like the sun during those times. Forever I see her, she would be smiling, laughing, giggling at who knows what. For all those who might have not known, she could be a lunatic. *laughs* Ahh... Just remembered, she used to have that funny accent as well, till Mr Lim told her quit it. *laugh, laugh, laugh*
Well, to summarise everything, all I'll say is that quite a number of things happened through those years. Life's just like that huh? It's all about ups & downs.
She's really a nice girl afterall. And I'd never believed that there would be such a nice person in this world if I'd never met her. I would think that that's nonsense in fact. *laughs* And now, well, it's all good.
Life would never be the same without you. You gave me the key to the secrets of life.

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