Awesome break.
Well, first, there are some things that are scaring me. Not, the scare-scare kind of sense, but, well, scare. Get the picture? Doesn't matter if you don't anyway. *Sigh*
And it's been quite some time, the previous week. Let's see... Took leave on Friday. I think I'd went somewhere, but can't remember. Saturday, Sunday. Monday, public holiday.
Tuesday and Wednesday, went for range. Stayed in for like the rare few times this year. It was quite an experience, staying in after so long.
Thursday, totally slacked at home.
*Edits* HAHA. I remember now! Thursday, slept till damn late. then woke up and went to Lasalle to meet my brother and cousin, Andrea. Had a birthday lunch with her at 15minutes. Then, sort of a tour around the school. Went on to SMU where she gave me a tour of the underground link. Pretty awesome. It's like a self-sustained village.
Met up with sister after that. Had discussed about Audrey's birthday plan. (If you're reading this, it was quite a pain in the head. Hahaha.) Well, she had messaged me asking about it actually. Just so happened that I was in the vicinity. Yup.
Then, totally waited for 1 to 2 hours to meet her again after her project meeting. Met up with YuTing too. Kind of discussed a bit, then left for home.
Friday, friday. Went out to celebrate Audrey's birthday lor. Can't believed that we actually went to a LAN shop and played "Left 4 Dead" till almost dawn. Oh. Watched the show "Inglorious Bastards" as well. It was good, in my opinion.
*End of Edits*
Friday, headed out with some friends. Crap. Everything is just so vague to me now... Sobs. Can't seem to be able to remember any damn thing...
So, Saturday, went out to meet MingJie, Kristelle & Amy. Had lunch, 'cos I was hungry. Then went to play WII! It was retarded & hilarious fun. "Rayman's Rabbids" were the main reason. Beside the fact that I played two controllers in the tennis game.
After that, had dinner at this Fisherman's Wharf place. Not bad at all. Love the sauce. *laughs*
After which, we went separate ways. I went to meet up with Alex, Nicole, Regina & Yuting. Went to MIND and played.
Reached home pretty late. And the next day: Mangrove Expedition!
It was awesome. Although was quiet for most of the time (as Henrietta commented), I think I was just... Erm... Taking in the moment. Getting back to the me that was me the last time. The one who would always jump at the opportunity of such outdoor activities.
Thanks girl.
Did I mention that I had to wake up damn early for the expedition? Yup. But I'd managed quite well. Thanks to NS, I suppose? *Sigh*
Then, came mother, my brother's convocation! Well, great moment for him and all. I suppose. Graduation, get degree after all. "ORD. Back to studies. Got degree, so happy."
And then came Tuesday, where it's back to my same old usual routine of NS life. *Sigh* Can't wait to ORD. *Sigh once more*
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