星期五, 十月 23, 2009

Muderous Intent

Fuck chi-bai.

I cannot describe how short my fuse is now.

0208 hours. Awake, trying to piece my dance together. Wanting to watch my long awaited commissioning video/photos.

And the mother son just refuse to go and sleep. ARGH! Maybe I shouldn't even start with this post. But I just need to vent this out, so that I may continue with my choreography. Fuck.

It's like the more I write, the more I think into it, the more infuriated, furious, irritated, annoyed, frustrated I get. Just 'cos I don't have to fucking work tomorrow, he thinks he can pull a late-nighter and, fuck, play that fuck game. I'm seriously deleting it away. Like. WHAT THE FUCK TIME IS IT NOW! Fish you understand. Bitch.

Fucking. Go. To. Sleep. Already. ARGH!!! Can't take much more of this.

And so, what the fuck in the world is going to happen next day? Like, he fucking won't be able to wake up. And fuck this shit & fuck that shit. Fuck. And then start complaining here & there. Fuck. My guess is, this is probably what happened the other time with Army Half Marathon! FUCK YOU> Seriously, I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive this ridiculous action/behavior/habit. Fuck.

And fucking chi-bai, at this rate, I'll probably won't have the time & energy to go down and do my uni application again.


And fucking hell. You just go and decide to sleep now. 0223 hours. Fucking great. Fuck.



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