星期六, 十二月 23, 2006


Alright, went to the OGL camp just the day before. All I can remember what was great was I met Joseph (wahahaha) & collected the photos from OCIP. All thanks to the hard work of Grace & Weixin who organised everything. Thank you girls soo much! *smile* But I must say, there sure were a lot of photos. Just on the 1st day alone, I think it's close to a thousand photos. *sticks tongue*

Today, soo happy. Went to Northpoint, with the intention of getting assesment books for my brother's tuitee. But in the end, we got a lot of stuff. We BOUGHT ANOTHER GAME!! Guess the game! *sticks tongue* [Tomb Raider: Chronicles] I think I'm going crazy. I think I'm going to flunk my 1st block test of the year. *crossed mouth* Anyway, also bought a lot of other stuff. The bill literally exploded.

Then, in the evening, went off to Clarke Quay, Swissotel Merchant Court. Muahahaz. Went there to have dinner with my relatives. *BIG smile* Anyway, it was a buffet, so for those who know me, I started to gorge myself. List of items I ate (which was not everything, sad to mention, but I'm just not as young as I use to be):

2 types of beef, 3 types of chicken, duck, ham, prawns, CRAB, scallops, broccoli, 2 types of salmon, tuna, snowfish, didn't dare to touch oyster, pineapple, guava, apple, marshmallow (came with the chocolate fountain!!) shark fin soup, beehoon, abalone & what else I forgot. Damn. Nevermind.
As long as my stomach is satisfied. Haha. But strangely, my mouth wasn't. Maybe 'cos I didn't get to eat every single item. Too full already. So full, I had to snail my way back home. And when I snail, I do mean snail... Felt like viomiting actually... Even now, that almost 2hours have passed since my last bite, I still feel very bloated. Muahahahaz. I think I can skip breakfast & lunch tomorrow...

Right, plan for tomorrow: Prep food stuff for the upcoming E2 chalet already. Must ask SiewHoon how many people are going. Hehehz. Monday shall do the buying. Oh ya.. Monday, going over to my relative's house for a Christmas Party. Yipee~

3 Days to E2 Chalet!



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