星期四, 十二月 07, 2006

Back From Cambodia

Alright, back from Cambodia. Feel so much like a Country Pumpkin, as how my brother puts it.


-Did construction works
-Visited genocide museum, tuol sleng
-Visited Killing Fields
-Ate at many many many restaurants
-Lived the Cambodians lifestyle which is very extremely slack
-Shopped quite some bit
-Learnt more bout myself
-Realised i'm quite a shopper (if i got the power *grinz*
-Knew a lot a lot a lot of great new friends
-Many many other things happend

All in all, it was a great trip. Oh yea!! I tasted fried grasshopper over there, should haf bought the spiders and huge beetle along too, if i knew we could buy those and eat it.. *sticks tongue*

BUT, i doubt if i should have ever come back.. Or even gone there in the first place. Why? A number of bad things have happened to people around me. People whom i care about.

I'm as happy as can be in my current situation, in my personal life. But I'm starting to think, does my happiness comes at the expense of those i care about? Destined to be cold, heartless, stonehead, indifferent, unfeeling? I really have no idea. I pray that it is not so. BUT, if bad things continue to happen, then, well... i guess i'll end my happiness and see what happens. If all goes well, then. Wahahaha. Happy birthday to myself. *Smilez*



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