星期日, 十月 29, 2006


Well, Sunday's slack as usual. Now's 2325, and I never touched chinese, neither maths. Hai~ Nevermind, that aside, just to cheer myself up a little, e2 chalet's on 26th to 29th December. That's long. And I have to absent myself on 28th's night. Hmph. Oh yeah, to those who're having OP first rehearsal tomorrow, do your best! It's perfectly fine if you screw up, at least you do it now, then later. *smile*

Chinese calligraphy. Productive. Think I should be able to complete it by next week. Shall take a picture of the completed work. Maybe will finish up the dragon tomorrow or something.

I heard someone wanted to take up chinese calligraphy? Well, it trains patience. And makes you more cool-headed. That's what I'll say. The rest, up to you. *smile*

Saw a really wicked advertisement at my house's bus-stop. Hospice or something, I think. It was neat. Something about death.

Ghost In A Shell...



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