星期五, 十月 06, 2006

Long Entry

Just had dinner with my mum. On the way out, saw how foggy the atmosphere was. It's getting more and more foggy as days pass by, isn't it? Asthma people, better take care..

On the way back, suddenly realised that Singapore is indeed ageing. Just look at the number of children out there in the streets, playing with laterns/fire/etc.. Hai~ I think I sort of pity the kids of tomorrow.


At the coffeeshop beside ABC Supermarket, there's this ah-lian selling chicken rice. Looks not bad. Haha.
There was one day, when I was walking back from the coffeeshop, saw this girl at the lift lobby of a block, looks pretty much like Charis, the older version. Blehz...
Been seeing a lot of AikHong this few days. Scary... ... Alright, just kidding.. =]
Seriously getting sick & tired of school. Why can't they just get Promos over & done with? Like there's still one more week before Promos starts. And NYJC, CJC, as far as I know, have their Promos already ended. Dang... And I KNOW people are already in a ha-ha-land mood. Hai~ Life's unfair, I know that, no need to tell me. Haha

Hmmm... Had been mugging quite some bit this week, but don't think it's enough... Shall double-up mugging efforts next week. I hope I can... Usually, I'll just fall asleep if I really put my 100% into revision. Strawberry Jam. I hate this.

Oh yeah... I realised another thing. I've been taking water bottles home lately. HAHAHA. First, it was Pearl's, then today was Wa's. *Water-bottle-thieve* Hehehz...

Today, at library's comps area, saw me chinese class-mates! Haha. They're a funny bunch of people. Too bad Aiky takes H2CL, else she would be in my chinese class too. Haha. Toobad, so sad. Blehz... Also saw 104 guys. So nice to see friends around.

Right, made a confession just the other day, to Pearl. Haha. I think there's something wrong with me. Gosh, to think that I actually *ahemahem-cough-cough*. Hahaha. Alright, I think I should end here, else people will start complaining my entry is super-loong.

WAIT! I'm not done! This, I must include! A Kharma Story.

It was a pretty warm morning, and 110 was having their usual National Anthem. When Pledge taking was done, naturally, everyone sat down. Just when everyone had settled down for just a moment. "BANG" "AHHH!" The shout came from the back of class. Everyone turned. It was Agnes. "Gosh, Agnes! What happened? Are you alright?" It turned out that Agnes had fell off her chair. She had already settled down, but was laughing so hard, that she clumsily, like a panda, fell off the chair. What wonders people can do. Hmmm... And the reason for her laughing? She left a piece of paper on ShuHua's chair, and she sat on it. Things that people do AND find funny. Absolute weird-ness. Exam stress does this to you. Careful people. Oh yeah, the funny part?
Agnes, with an expression filled with unsatisfaction, said, "How to grow tall like this...?"

Another thing, Sesame Street spoof on YouTube. Search for "sesame street bird flu" HAHAHAZ. Exam stress? Some laughs wopuld be good. =]=]=]



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