星期日, 九月 10, 2006

Yesterday, was called up at bout 0830.. *uugh* and then had some cake fer breakfast, then its rush hour liaoz.. brushed, washed, changed, prep, run.. all to catch the bus 811 to go meet up laopa & laoma.. =]=] at yishun mrt. Met laopa on the train.. eh.. no.. BUS. Yep.. then walked to Joy Centre, 701B.. met joshua on the way.. =] then it was CIP fer 3hrs+.. damn.. shld haf recorded tt "+" also.. hai~~ nvm la.. so, did filing.. we were lik.. "Eh? How come got so many papers w/o their documents one?" In the end, it turned out that those were not processed yet.. -_-'' gosh.. ever since 2005 lehz, nv update one? alamak.. wat they doing sia.. hahax. After all that, they went to eat lunch, at either KFC or PizzaHut, dunno which, cos i going back fer lunch.. yepz.. thtat wraps it up fer the morning part larz...

Aftnn, aft lunch, went to meet up with Alvin to go AQX's hse fer BBQ.. =] hahax. Went to cold storage firzst, to get some tidbits.. THEN met alvin.. =] Aft tt, went over to qixiang's hse liaoz... Yvonne & Dap came at bout 1700+, then some bit ltr, came Russ & Catherine (his girl =] ) .. =] it was jus a small-group BBQ larz.. so not much pp went.. =/ also got space constrain larz.. the roof, we were using u noe.. =]

Anyway, at first was quite quiet.. but then slowly become noisy.. =] hahax. Mus go fer cancer-check-up alr.. =P but still gd larz.. I JUST ADORE THE POTATOS.. =] they're lik sweet.. "wow..." next time barbaque, mus haf kang-tang.. "jia kang-tang" anyone? I noe a lot pp who is.. =] hahax. =P Yep.. Then suddenly, Alvin & Russ started talking bout the old old days.. awww... they were going on 'bout playing digimon, drawing 'em on ex bk, copying during spelling & such.. hahaz. Somemore, all those silly games we used to play.. =] And the different pp in our class.. hahaz. Feel jus so wunnerful, hearing the old days.. =]

Sometimes, I really wonder whether i am REALLY STM-DED.. 'Cos i dun realli rmb wat we all did before.. Vaguely.. Jus some flashing moments larz.. =/ *Gasp* wat if there IS cloning in this world.. cloning of human tt is.. =X Lik that show "The Sixth Day" in which Arnold Schwarzenneger starred in.. It goes lik he was cloned once, then got a part where he dun rmb wat he was doing n woke up in a taxi, cos it wasn't recorded down.. oh no... how many times haf i been cloned then!? AHHHH!!! *panic* okay.. i'm onli scaring myself.. "RELAX edward.. relax.. everything is just fine.. It's all gonna be alright.." =] won't it? =/ But still haf tis funny feeling i dun rmb thgs.. from long ago.. not even when i lk at photographs.. =\ dang.. *sobs* i'm losing my memmory.. ='[

Nevermind.. at least i wun rmb sad memories then, as well as angry ones.. =] that's a gd side.. then next time i married, at least wun lik quarrel withthe wife on days.. =] 'Cos i will be lik "Huh? Did we quarreled bout that last night? How come I dun rmb?" HAHA. Cos i will forget everythg aft i slp.. =] Yayness to STMs!!

Okay, back to topic.. so, at ~1000, Russ left with Catherine.. awww.. then we played tis game.. "Indian Poker" or so it was called.. =] "ewww..." of course, in tis game, there will be bound a loser.. ( It's a game whereby a player picks a card, and he/she cannot lk at his own card but all other players can.. =] then the fella with the biggest/smallest, depending on which one u all wan use, lose.. =] AND! Of course there is a forfiet.. =]=] ) SO. What is our forfeit you say? Hehehz.. IT WAS GROSS! haha. Yea.. It was.. =[

"We had tis bowl of almond jelly longan desert as the base (yes, tt's our forfeit). And on the first round, the stuff we added were:
- ~2 spoons of Coke
- Mayo
- Fried Rice (EWWW!! - added by edward, btw..)
- Some Sprite Ice
- Few tiny pieces of processed Bacos in a bottle
Yeah.. that's bout it.. It WAS ALREADY BAD ENOUGH.. but strangely, xueli said it was nice.. =/
Then ltr, Alvin came to join us, after his terribly LOONG phone call.. hehehz. ;] that was the second round of adding alr.. UUGH...
- Some more Coke & Sprite Ice
- Bee-hoon
- Hot-dog with melted cheese
- Some more, okay, A LOT more Bacos
- Pineapple juice, freshly squeezed
- SATAY SAUCE, the peanut one..
- MORE MAYO!! (courtesy of qi xiang)
- was there potato? I dunno, forgot.. but there might be some..
- Ruffles Original
- I think still got 1 or 2 more things i left out..
THANKFULLY, there WASN'T anymore fried rice, more sausage, more bee-hoon, CHICKEN WING, ANTS, MARSHMALLOW, SATAY.. OMG.. you'll understd why ltr on..

So, first round played, qixiang, edward, xueli lost, so they drank it.. It was STILL alright.. Not so bad.. BUT still gross.. then yvonne tried it, dap also.. hahax. ON THE SECOND ROUND, after Vin came and join in, WE PLAYED.. I thought he was going to lose, 'cos he was holding on to a queen of hearts.. very big alr ritez.. HAHA. Big my ars arh.. ahahaha. I GOT A FREAKIN' QUEEN OF SPADES.. OH DAMN... hahax. IT WAS GROSS... uugh... And i was like extremely full lerz.. lucky nv viomit.. =X Then, we played again.. HAHA. AGAIN. I LOST. OH MY DEAR... AHHH!!! "Can i offer to hide myself now?" =] GROSS... Freakin'ly bloody gross.. hahax. And they still give me the bee hoon and all.. AHHH!! Thinking of what it contained, it make me feel lik puking now.. uugh... =X DANG... 2times in a row.. how much more lucky can i get? hahax. dang.. the after-taste was realli, realli, realli horrbubble.. =X

yea.. so that's bout it fer saturday bahz.. sadly, no photos to share.. =[

Sunday!! went fer class in the morning as usual.. realli, i think i'm the onli fellow amg ALL my friends who wakes up so early on Sundays.. manz.. but still, its gd waking up early.. =]=] LOVE it.. =] hahax. lesson was jus as per norm.. now, I'm gonna go finish up some last bit of wk.. dunno wat i'm gonna do bout phy.. nv touch it at all.. Nich!! I wan my TYS back!! =/



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