星期四, 八月 17, 2006

a lot of things to articulate

ALRIGHT!! IT'S TIME TO DO SOMETHING BOUT TIS BLOG... hahax. so long nv update.. 'cos dunno wat the hell i was busy with... =P well, anyway, jus rmbering a few things to say..


that day, went to watch the NDP..
[went with qixiang, xueli, yvonne & daphne.. called alvin but he got SMTHG else.. called shuhua, she cant go.. then called someone else again, she dun wan go.. hahax. in the end got one extra tix.. well, it was great, the fireworks and all =] yep.. but wats best is that i'm with my mates!]
anyway, aft NDP, we lik took the train larz... took a bus to toa payoh, then switched to train.. THEN, at ang mo kio.. this bunch of crazy CROWD. started squeezing in lik no body's business lik that... bloody hell..
[translated from chinese]
fat auntie: "come, come, inside still got space!"
[apparently, the carriage is already freaking crowded with no more space, mates will noe wat i'm talking bout]
old grandma: "come, come, stand here, got a little bit of space.. come."
fat auntie: "come in! come in! still got space!"
edward under his breath: "dun play already lar, auntie... no more space already still wanna squeeze.. lik go and die lar..."
qi xiang: "auntie, you go out then got space already, for others to come in. and somemore, what is the maximum capacity of this train?"
edward: "i think already over the maximum carrying capacity already bahz.. it's gonna be a slow ride home..."
damn... jus can't stand them aunties some times... elderly women i would say.. those in their 40+ one... waseh... hahax. but it was hilarious lar, at tt time, not so bad.. still got my buddies all around and entertain each other.. =] or else i would have lik surely to reprimand that lady lor.. wahahahax. =] they should be told off u noe...

16th AUGUST 2006, Wednesday!!
hmmx... i dun realli quite rmb, but all i cld rmb was that we celebrated yiwa's b.dae!! made her a card, onli a card.. hahax. i think it was lik quite sucky larz.. hahax. i could haf done so much a better job if more well prepared.. hahax. well, er jie got her a cake, xiaomei was lik..erm... hahax. the entertainer. then xiao-xiao mei was... also helping out too!! (THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT!! =] ) hahax. =] happy, happy, happy... =]

alright... now fer some serious? or not so serious stuff? i dunno.. depends on how one look at it larz.. hahax. i dunno y i wanna do tis suddenly, but... jus a few words to everyone i noe!! (crapz.. that's a whole lot of people edward!! manz.. ) alright, alright.. maybe not jus everyone.. jus a few larz... hahaz.

dont be so affected by ur parents! =] that phase will pass sooner or ltr.. i've been thru it!! hahax. ur blog lik super depressing manz... but still, at least i get to know wats happening with u... so long nv see you ler.. hahaz. well... jus stay happy larz.. smile everyday, it does help! =] it's alright if u're not so tolerant anymore... everyone got their bad dayS.. ahaha. yep.. stay manly & muscular.. ahahaz. =P

well... i remember u as a sunshine girl! =] but nowadays, i see u've gotten quieter.. tt time bbq also so quiet.. onli the other time go watch movie then a bit noiser.. hahax. stay noisy larz... prefer u tt way.. =] dun get too stressed by ur studies & ccas.. although they ARE impt... health=happiness always come first!! Yea.. i noe AJ may be a bit cold larz.. but still, u can always look fer sec sch pp? hahax. that is if they're free.. =X or else, can pop down to YJ and come look fer me.. =P YJ PEOPLE VERY FRIENDLY DE!! (uugh) hahax.

[my hands very dry now... skin is peeling off ler... =/ ]

hmmx.. reading ur LJ arhz.. wahz... can cry arhz... so depressing de... i everytime read xiaomei de will laugh, then er jie de will smile here and there to myself.. then some others, okay larz.. still smile.. but urs arh.. alamak... HEADACHE arhz, patrol mate.. =/ y so depressed? c'mon, JC life shld be fun & happening de!! =] but busy as well larz.. =/ nothing come w/o a price... nv ever... so.. jus persevere on okays? i'm sure things will turn out for the better in the future fer you.. =] if not, jus rmb u haf ur cute pw grp member =P , pearl, agnes, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, etc & i dunno who else.. JC will be all over in 2 yrs, then, aft tt, u can haf all the fun u lik!! =] smile, always.. =]

although dun talk alot, but still, jus smile larz, n relax... i see u the face arhz.. wa kaoz.. lik bloody stress liddat.. hahaz.

shuhua, xiaomei
heyo, dunno what to say already.. damnx... feeling very tired & lethargic now... hahaz. nvm... anyway, dun be so stress bahz... n try to relax a bit sometimes, yea? its good to relax once in a while and let loose.. =] and then i noe there are many stuff that can piss one off, but still, try to tolerate bahz... hahaz. if u look over those, sometimes, SOMETIMES, you may find other nicer stuff instead.. =]

pearlene, er jie
... ... ... ermz... i haf nothing to say to you.... ahahahaz. =X oone of the more organise, manage-time-well, seemingly happy one among all five... hahaz. if u ever do feel sad (which i highly doubt so.. ) well, there's always those few who u can turn to (you know who they are larz, i wun say too much.. =P ) and seek consolance.. *is that how u bloody spell it? hmmx* anyway, be crazy the way u r... =] AHAHAHAZ.

agnes, xiao-xiao mei
dun get so upset bout council, kayz...?? u can always ignore some of the jobs given to u there, if u're really that busy n cannot help it.. rmb, council is a sort of voluntary work (or so i think, even though they always say servant leader.. ahahaz) but then, if u, urself cant help urself.. wats the point of helping others? (of course, tis rule does not apply everytime.. in tis case, the school is the one u're helping.. so.. who realli cares? ahahahaz =] ) yar... jus rmb to take time to unwind urself every now and then larz.. u'll be fine.. =]

stop gaying ard so muuch... hahaz. no larz, jus kidding.. gay by all means... but not with me.. i got a decent family now.. wahahahz. but then still, stay focus, can not? dun lik always stray here n there la... everytime u say tis, i say tt it will happen fer sure, by hook or by crook.. and in the end, wat happened? it all comes true.. =] (i can become fortune-teller already.. wahahaz =] )how many times has it been? hahaz. 3 times? =] wahahaz. anyway, DUN STRAY... =]

rachel, danny, guanheng, jiapei
my realli, realli, realli, realli, realli, realli, extremely, bloody long buddies... hahaz. ever since pri school sia... hahaz. especailly guanheng, since pri 1... i doubt they will ever read this, but, i miss u guys =X .. hahaz. do leave a mark on the tagboard if u ever see my blog.. hahaz. at least i noe tt u're still alive, somewhere, out there.. wahahahaz. =]

i'm dead sure those who actually bother to read so far, wun noe who tis is... ahahhaz. anyway, do take care of urself! erm.. o's is it? or N's that u'll be taking tis yr? anyway, if u feel tired or stress, can always come and look fer me.. hahaz. i'll try to think of something.. if not, then look fer someone else bahz.. ahahahhaz. no lar... i will TRY my best to think of something.. hope to see ya in gym soon~

okays.. thats enough... i'm lik stoning while i'm thinking of who to write next manz... actaully, i think i still got quite some people i wanna mention... but then.. argh.. forget it.. hahaz. =P too lazy le.. i will do it again, if i ever haf the time to think wat i wanna type down.. n if i ever noe wats happening to ya.. hahaz. anyway, jus look at the time... lik approaching 0100? DAMN... BLOODY DAMN... i still got school bloody tml!! AAHHHH!! hahaz... manz.. really feeling lik a walking dead now... i thk i will be slping tml fer... erm... GP lect, Phy lect, phy prac, chi tut and last but not least.. the 2 hours of gp tut... basically, all the academic subj i'll be having tml.. ahahahaz. =] jus pray tt i dun get caught.. =]

nitez...! have a marvellous sleep.. hahax. =]



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