星期一, 八月 07, 2006

hees... On saturday, 5th august, went to siam kitchen (its at Suntec City) to eat with mdm koh and the rest of the class.. well, at least most of 'em larz.. hahah. ms lim n ms sim went along a well.. =]

Then, we made a dedication to mdm koh =] so cool... hahaz. we all had fun, that's fer sure, i believe.. eat till i was quite full? hmmx.. actually dun quite rmb i was full or not, was some time ago le.. =X "Yes... I'm STM-ded, if that's what u wanna say someone in paticular.. =] " then we also took tonnes and tonnes of photos. Refer to Link at sidebar fer pictures!! =] that is onli from me cam de.. still got abdul's, pearl's and ma's de.. hahax. yar, then we jus went to esplanade, and chatted there larz.. then all of us went home..

Oh yar.. bout the bbq? ahahax. i went to start a fire then i went alr.. alamak.. so sorri guys.. so sorry alex.. that i couldn't stay long.. but the meeting with my ctg was alr there, yupz.. next time larz, when i haf even more time =](24 hours a day is really not enough sometimes)..

then today, felt so guilty that i didn't do maths tutorial.. 'cos I know that mr ng is working hard to teach us and all, but it's like.. you know lar.. damn... I've become such an angel at homework ever since the PTD.. I hate PTD... hahax.

Today, also went swimming with the swimming people in our school.. waseh, so long never touch the waters alr, feel so shack... hahax. MUST TRAIN HARD!! Oh yeah, also, after swimming, did i then realised that er jie's water bottle still in the chinese classrm.. damn.. mus go and take tomorrow already le.. or else i'll be like feeling so damn guilty.. mus go to school early tomorrow morning and take it back fer her.. So sorry daughter!! =X

2 Really beautiful events i witnessed
The first one is on 5th August, Saturday. On the train towards Kovan, when I was going to the barbeque, I was in this carriage with 5 prams which equals to 5 babies around. Sooo CUTE!! =] then there were also some small kids around.. Really, the sight itself was so heart warming.. the father playing with the baby, the babies playing with each other even though they don't know each other.. What's more, they were of different race.. Then there were also a few elderly people in the carriage too, ALL sitting down.. wow.. It's as if I had just walked into a paradise.. hahax.

The second was today, when I was on my way walking to school. So fortunate I didn't take the bus, because I was actually planning to. Anyway, when I was at the cross-junction, the one at the swimming pool one, I saw this old man, cycling a girl of approximately 18-19 years old to school. I do believe that the girl is the man's daughter.. I repeat, CYCLING. How often is it nowadays that you can see an old man cycling HIS DAUGHTER OF 19 to school? (Psst.. the girl was quite pretty too.. =P ) I mean like, i can actually feel the father-daughter love between them even as i stand beside them.. =]

"...And I see friends shaking hands,
saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying: I Love you.
And I hear babies cry, I watch them grow.
They'll learn much more, than I'll ever know..."
"What a Wonderful World" by Lious Armstrong
Really, the world still has this little pieces of beauty in it
I'm thankful for it... =]



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