星期四, 八月 03, 2006

Bloody Long Entry

ahhz.... finally.. a time fer me to be back here, writing wrrabbiish... ahahax. Jus finished a bit of me hmwk, did the bulk in school, all thanks to yiwa... (she wanted to stay & do work, which was gd in a way lar, considering tt i did so much wk since i dunno how long.. =X thx loads kelong dog... =] )

haha. damn.. wat was i planning to type in here.. hmmx... ... ... ... ... ... nvm, move on to OBS first... =D

Outward Bound Singapore Chapter
So, it was like totally awesome, 'cos its the first ever time i've been to OBS and i'd been waiting to go fer lik ages... ever since my ------ sec school went to cancel my batch the OBS trip.. argh... i STILL REMEMBER. Yepz... so, it was sorta of an exhilarating experience fer me. $250? certainly worht it.. hehz...

Day 1 - 19th July 2006
went to punggol jetty, waited there fer lik minutes & minutes... very loong wait.. was starting to ffel a bit bored, yupz.. but finally, went onboard n off ter OBS!!
so.. we reached camp 1 first, n i was lik.. "Ohhhh... Is that where we're going?" unfortunately, no. yes. a big NO. camp 1 was not fer my grp.. argh... but it was alright, since we got to camp 2, which was more rundown, but I LIKE... hehehz. had a briefing in the run down multi purpose hall... then off ter to check out our storeroom!! Yipee! hahax. I tell you, i think that the storeroom is lik totally awesome... all the equipments all packed around in a small place.. wicked.. next time, my home shall haf a storeroome lik tis too.. ;) anyway, did the quantity check & quality check.. thne Yiwa went off with Chiam & dunno who to get the foodstuff... Najeeb was the store-master. I was day i/c fer tt paticular day... so, first day was quite slack slack, but actually, we were lik rushing.. 'cos we were late fer the meeting time.. had lunch after store check.
After lunch was kayaking!! ALRIGHTZ!!! So, we had lik 11 strong in our team.. ya, n then we were suppose to lik be in pairs.. but, we got 11 heads, so, what did we do? yesh... i was on the single kayak!! Whee~~ double kayaks are fun, no doubt, cos u got someone to paddle along with u at all times.. but then, its much harder to manuever n all.. yupz.. so, liddat larz.. then fer the whole aftnn, we jus did kayaking.. ...
after kayaking, went to pitch tents and get ready dinner.. Chiam was our official chef fer OBS.. manz.. he sure can cook.. well, good fortune fer my ma then.. haha. *wink wink* so when everythg was lik done, we got to eat!! yummy.. was darn hungry.. ...
When dinner was over, went to wash up the utensils and all of course.. afterwhich, we did thrash management, which was totally wicked in the sense that big bulk of rubbish could actually be squeeze into such a small size.. hahaz. then, learnt a bit bout first aid.. the cool thg bout first aid? Girls' the sanitary napkins, can actually be used fer..erm..stopping blood, i think? yeah.. those kind of excessive flow blood... Hiap Luh (my instructor) got his hand saved that way.. ahahax. Awesome ritez...? =P

Day 2 - 20th July 2006
So, day 2...morning we went to play some trust in our mates thingy.. so, we are lik to fall down a platform, back facing ground, then mates suppose to catch us with a mat.. cool rite? of course it was.. hahaz. Both our instructor, Naf (another one of my instructor, who also happened to be ms lim's goody friend, such coincidence! ) & Hiap Luh also went one round.
Then, we went on e more flight of staricase up to the height elements.. how cool was htat? so,we went thru' the belay school, learning how to belay one another.. yupz. aft we did all that, had lunch.. which was our rations.. It was a good thing we had already seperated all our rations among ourselves on the first day, lik tis, it's much an easier job fer us to eat wat we want.. haha. =D
after lunch, we went to the double-dangle-duo a.k.a. DDD... haha. it was fun, realli... go up in pairs, climb some logs.. yar.. hehehz. i was belaying fer a few times... then, i suddenly realised... I LIKE TO DO BELAYING MORE THAN CLIMBING. oh gosh.. and i'm not the type to realli haf climb loads of times... but, dunno y.. belaying jus feel satisfactory.. yupz...
so, thru' tis activity, we learnt that teamwork is extremely important.. not one person can do everythg on their own... hehehz. also, others before self...

[OBS also means Others Before Self]

yep.. sometimes, we jus hafta sacrifice our goals in order fer others to move on or smthg.. yar.. absolutely awesome.. suddenly, tis makes me think of the movie Spiderman 2.. haha. Aunt May, "Sometimes, in order to do the right thing, we have to give up the things we want the most. Even if it means our dreams." manz.. that's one scene i will hardly forget.. anyway, aft DDD, we went to do pack our stuff fer the expedition.. yup.. it was loads of fun, packing our stuff, along the corridor n all.. haha. it was jus so great a feeling.. anyway, although we were lik late again, but then i feel tt we were more efficent than the rest, cos lik they started packing earlier than us, yet we finished earlier than 'em.. hahax. =P yep, then aft tt, went to the hall, had a briefing bout the expedition, very much more emphasize on the sea expedition. yep..
so we went to our next campsite... its next to a beach.. cool ritez.. then we quickly set tents n meals deparment got to work on dinner.. everythg was jus so nice, although we were lik rushing here n there larz.. hahaz. then had meeting among the sea-ex leaders.. bout the tide tables, the route, the dangers n so on... cool... so, Chiam, Kaizi, Andrea & I were the sea-ex leaders.. smthg i thk i'll hardly forget.. hahaz. certainly an enriching experience manz... Chiam was the port marker, Anrdrea was the starboard marker, Kaizi the navigator, me the sweeper. after that, some of us gathered at the kitchen area and chit-chattered larz.. hahahz.
[sea expedition, single kayak! wahahaz. not trying to be a loner or smthg, but still, singles r much more fun... =X ]

Day 3 - 21st July 2006
So, we started out early, but still was a bit late.. but still we went on with the plans as tides were going down slowly that day, so it was relatively safe larz.. yupz.. it was realli fun, passing the kayaks down one by one, down to the shore.. so cool.. then there were so many kayaks, as if lik nv ending liddat, but it ended of course.. hahx. we did a human chain to pass everythg.. SO COOL... i rarely work in a human chain before.. ahahaz.
So, the sea expedtion begun..
Being the sweeper, i had to deal with the very worse of the crowd. Was quite fustrating at times, but looking at how they persevered, i went patient with 'em.. yep.. but there was this pair i especially rmbed.. hahaz. it was a guy-girl pair, n the girl in front was hilarious.. she isn't very proficent at kayaking, i could see.. hahaz. i told her to paddle backwards, n wat she did was to rotate the paddles around, n started the forward paddling motion.. (laughs head off) okay, i'm bad, i know... but, i jus cant help it larz... it was really funny... haha.
Actually, I was quite thankful that i'm the sweeper.. cos its lik i really learnt a lot.. yep... totally wicked... the sea ex.. hehehz.
Was eating apple i still can rmb, when we were at our first crossing... also ate a lot of other stuff in my rations.. hahaz. people hungry marhz... so... expedition went on... didn't really quite saw my mates, except fer Andraa & YunCoong (in the swamps).. but they moved on ahead larz, cos i told 'em to.. =P then during the first crossing, saw Yiwa, Abdul, Catherine, Joshua.. yeah... Chiam & Shuhua was on the shore, helping others to shift their kayaks over to the other side of the swamp.. hahaz. She said she had fun, which i'm sure she did!! =]
then the expedition went on.. then i nv saw them again, until the second crossing, which also happened to be our longer break time.. so awesome.. the feeling of a kayaking expedition, inland, is jus so.. indescrible... yeah~~ ='] then when we went out to the channel, which was a small channel, had to stop the fleet several times, cos pp were lik getting tired n were lik lagging behind.. hehehz. It was then i saw LiJun.. and also another girl, i forgot who.. some ODAC girl also.. hehehz.. i pushed them forward some times, cos they were lik really slow n lagging.. =X but, they were trying with all their effort.. =D
Finally, when we saw the gravel beach, we finally came to a stop.. everyone beached up, so it was so cool.. haha. then we stacked up the kayaks somewhere behind the shore.. then we sea-ex leaders made a closure (so impromptu larz... hahaz. but it was fun nevertheless =] ).. and we then had some fun & relaxing time.. hehehz.

Here's to MOBILE-D!!! =]
then after the sea ex, we went on the land.. manz... i'm jus not so a land lubber.. hahaz. but i'm pretty gd with bikes.. but walking? not realli my stuff.. hahaz. but it was alright larz.. went to camp 2... on the way, had a crazy time.. =P fer mroe info, check out other yishun villagers's blogs.. my class de.. u'll noe y.. ahahaz. too much to put all down.. tis gotta be one hell of a long entry... =X
anyway, camp 2 was lik so super glam la... =\ hahaz. 4star camp resort sia... hahaz. so cool... the canteen there is also lik.. gosh... haha. so, aft like setting up tents (which was lik bloody difficult cos the grd was so super hard, soil it was, but still, we managed, with the aid of 3.5kg bricks... hahaz. used that as a hammer.. =P cool rite? ) then went to visit the camp2, had dinner n bathed.. =] so nice, the feeling fo water n soap.. ahahahz. the had a commitment sort of thg.. yep.. some team reflection stuff.. then supper, then slp.. kunz.... =]
Day 4 - 22nd July 2006
woke up early in the morning, had breakfast.. nono. went to play some games first, then had breakfast.. yeah.. then some raft building thingy game, which didn't went all tt well, but still fun.. hahaz. then, we cleaned up a bit aft lunch... then went fer the height elements... it sure ain't easy.. and then, we were belaying each other again... really, it was great fun doing belaying... dunno y, i'm enjoying belaying more n more.. hahaz. =]
after tis, we went to pack our stuff, which was onli the height elements stuff lar, all chuck inside my bag.. then we set off back to camp1.. YIPPEE!! =] *tis warm feeling inside of me suddenly, so indescribable, so nice...* yar.. then set up tent again, had lunch and started packing up stuff again... =[ so, we cleaned up a bit and aft dinner, we went to wash things...
And bloody hilarious.. Yiwa was lik super sua-ku.. hahaz. All wow-ed by the metal chopsticks.. ahahaz. then while we were washing, me & her were lik suaning each other.. i didn't even noe how it begun manz... all i rmbed was that i was a guard dog on patrol, she's a guard dog on patrol too.. i'm the ubin one, she's the kelong one.. hahaz. foreign talent, outsourcing... =P then so, the suaning continue... =] ahahahz.
then head back to camp, and was bout to slp, but Chiam & Xiaomei wanted to chat, so I stayed up a bit to accompany them.. hahaz. But still went back to slp aft a while..
Woke up in the middle of the night, thought someone was like calling out fer me.. so, i woke up, and guess what? Damn.. freaky ghostly encounter sia... I was so damn sure that someone was actually calling out fer my name, u noe... BUUT... THERE WAS FREAKING NO ONE AWAKE, EXCEPT ME... DAMN............ only saw Xiaomei & "ba" outside, on the blue tarp, sleeping... yeah.. then, so, after looking around fer a while, staying out on the blue tarp, enjoying the quietness and all, taking in the scenary.. then i went back to slp.. ahahaz. =]
Day 5 - 23rd July 2006
so... woke up early in the morning again, then went to pack up our items... transfer all the stuff to our original backpacks, pack up the store-room, and stuff larz... yepz... feeling so sad, a closure to all the adventures.. boohoo... ='[ after packing finish, paid $1 each fer the lost items... hahaz.
About lsot items, there was actually one group who had to pay $111. GOSH. ahahahz. They lik lost 1 harness, all 64 pegs larz.. oh manz... trolley was the most expensive items, costing bout $100, i think.. haha. then harness was bout $50... surprisingly, tents ain't that ex... =P
then, had some relaxing games, then it was go home time... *sobs*... so sad.. didn't felt lik going home de...
oh yar... bought stuff too... a polo tee shirt, the rest all bought some other shirts too.. =]
Also, we went on to the jetty, there, had a final debrief by Hiap Luh & Naf.. so sad manz.. ='[ over there, we also wrote wat we wanted to say to Pearlene...
"Don't be too sad, my girl.. yeah?
There's always a next opportunity if you want it!
Let's go OBS again, sometimes, ALL of us TOGETHER 'tis time!"
yepz.. i think that's bout the closure fer my OBS camp bahz...
-note that the following monday was a holiday fer us.
-It was the day I went to watch Pirates of the Carribean with Siewhoon.. hahaz. THank you so muh again SiewHoon!! =D really appreciated it.. =]
29th July 2006 - Official Stepdown Party for J2's ODACkers
so.. tis day, was lik so messed up.. manz.. i feel lousy lar... being president of odac certainly not easy job.. hahaz. But then, what;s life without challenges!? I love challenges.. =] hahaz. a bit sadis arhz... but in the end, everythg turn out not bad.. hehe. all thanks to the J1's Odackers... =] Thank you guys & GIRLS... =] appreciated it.. and thanks to mr koh for lending us his house.. =]
Mr Keith Koh, the record u haf currently fer themost no. of pp in the hse is 42heads... haha. Including ur kawaii daughter!! =]
but had a touching moment there lar.. all J2's were reflecting on their time in odac fer the past year.. yepz.. nth much happened, but it all felt tt it was lik very long lik tt... yepz...
so, i suppose that's bout it fer tis extremely bloody hell long of an entry... gonna go take a look at my bro's lesson powerpoint ltr on.. heard frm him it's lik super chim.. some 3D animation software tt supposedly created LOTR.. jus that rendering is on a much higher scale fer LOTR.. hahaz.



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