星期六, 六月 17, 2006

Bright, Cheery Saturdays!!

went out of home at 1325 or so... cycled to yishun mrt to erm... oh yea.. meet shuhua. but before met her, went to central.. hahaz. take a look at SOMETHING.. haha. -Got a little something for er jie- *wink wink* hahaz. so then went to meet xiaomei... gone to do some CIP discussion with the organisation? lik wth... MEETING?! lik when nth is fixed & certained yet.. hahaz. smthg wrong with 'em? so.. was lik expecting the thgy to end in bout 1hr++ time.. then lik 15min chop chop done alr.. freaknig hell lo.. .waste of time... they lik damn free lo.. hm. but it was quite worth it.. as in wat i did aft tt.. haha. actually hor, got maths lesson.,. but nv go.. haha. cos nv do work.. anyway, jus touched maths on this fine day lo.. in Burking King somemoe... hai~~ damn scared-ded of blocks... making me feel so block-headed.. muahahas. BUT!! Never mind... shall play it by ear.. and... hope fer the best!! =D

at 1830, xiao-mei went fer her tui-i-tion lesson alr... then i went to park mall... nono. before that, i saw MR MATTHEW QUACK.. or so i thk tts how u spell his name... hahaz. he was lik singing outside plaza sing, promoting smthg though i know not wat, i think... hahaha. but so funny.. sing til so loud somemore(could hear it all the way from parkmall!! imagine the loudness... lik whoa~~)... but the singing itself not tt bad larz.. (else nobody will ask him sing de..) yar... so was lik at park mall.. hmmx. used the toilet there.. =X so damn.. erm... quiet? lonely? ulu? hahaz. felt lik u noe.. those kinda of horror movie, whereby u haf tis scenario of a guy/girl sitting in the posh toilet with ambience music playing, ALONE(that's wat i was doing...), doing their business peacefully.. then suddenly hear sm freaky noise lik child crying out of nowhere, boucing soccer ball (mus be some world cup fanatic, bring ball into toilet de... -_-'') or wat-ever-knot larz.. u get the picture.. haha. er... okay, maybe i'm watching too much movie le.. =/ nvm... anyway, saw tis shop outside-near-not-that-near-at-same-time shop.. that sell BEANBAGS!!! those BIG, comfy, SITTABLE beanbags!!!! wahahahaz.
-I'm gonna get a few of those to put in my house next time. HMPH.-

kayz... enough of bullshitting.. sorri.. too much bull-shitting not too good fer health... anyway, went fer dance class.. SO COOL~ learnt new type of dance today!!! FOR BOTH LESSON SOMEMORE!!! hahahahahaz. >=D quickstep, tango... wahahahaz. but a bit worried.. hahaz. 'cos waltz still not very steady yet.. slow foxtrot gettng a bit better though!! yeah!! *tweez* haha.

then after dance, chiong to marina bay to meet 'em crazy e2-ians... hahaz. erm.. saw quite a few pp, but nv talk to all.. hehehz. nvm, next tiem... oh yea.. they were eating steamboat.. yar.. gathering lar.. but then i didn't go cos got dance lesson.. =\ still got next time.. maybe a havoc stayover night on 21st july? haha. 'COS... PARENTS NOT AT HOME!!! hahaz. going fer vacation... hehehz. hopefully larz.. tts tentative onli... but... *prays* anyway, not tt much pp go.. 10+ onli... wonder where mit went.. hek also MIA... then got a lot more others.. hai~ PEOPLE... gathering why u all DUN ATTEND DER... think so easy to gather arhz.. hahaz (coal calling pot black) anyway, met 'em at marina bay.. then a lot went home, left me, mojo-jojo (oh yea, so sorry to him... hahaz. trick him that i was going, but actually wasn't.. =X) ku-ku, brother & kit went to play pool... til lik.. 0100+ lik..wth.. i still got kayaking tml? omg.. so dead.. but cindy also.. hahaz. she went great world city dunno do wat... then also very late then end up in bed.. (ohyea..saw desmond at dhouby mrt.. haha so qiao) but it was gd fun while it lasted.. hehehz.
-hope to c'ya guys again soon-


wel.. fer today, woke up early in the morning despite slping so damn bloody late last night (0202) hmmx.. surprising, head wasn't groggy!! hahaz. but very slpy... so... quickly pack bag, made lunch & chiong out of the house lik at 0725... supposed to meet cindy at 0730, but was a little late.. alamak.. =/ so, waited a bit bit fer steven then head to kayaking!! okay, we actually hafta to take transport to the place first...
-waited damn long fer bus 403, 'cos one escaped jus as we got down the bus 39.. argh...
KAYAKING(hahaz, so damn cool)
Today's highlight.. did:
-Tilting/leaning [wicked sia.. capsized cos i overdid it.. wahahas]

-Stern rudder (featherng)
-T/X rescue
-Eskimo bow rescue [so DAMN cool!!! wahahaz]
-Low/High brace [quite fun]
-oh yea, still haf.. =X
-Draw stroke, Sculling
-Low brace turn
morning were having theory lesson cos tide wasn't good.. haha.
rebecca+serina??(tts how u spell it? hmmx..) had lik OBS Camp frm monday til friday.. wow.. they mus be damn shack now... yet, still can cope with the day's lesson.. lik whoa~~ haha. really take my hat off to'em.. hehez.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .... .... ... .... ...... ... ... ... ... . . .. . ... .. . . ... .... ... .... ... . .. . .. .. ..... ... . .. . .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... .. .. ... ... ... .. ...
actually, cant really rmb wat else happened.. all i noe was i had hell lots of fun.. haha. oh yea.. we drifted to the fishy farms... then saw dogs barking at us.. I REALLY wonder... do those dogs know how to swim? have they lik ever jump down into the water before? HMMMMX.... then kristelle was lik "I'll die of fright if they like jump in lar" hahaz. how i wished they jumped... then start swimming beside us... wahahahahaz. that'll be like so neat... ;) then i saw SAILORS... i was lik O.O .. MANZ... I MISS SAILING!!!!!!! arghz... feeling so depressed now.. hahaz. sailing, sailing, sailing, sailing, sailing... arghz... still rmb a bit of stuff frm sailing, but rigging up? tying those knots? ermz... haha. lik tottally forgot le.. mus go dig up that book of mine... then re-learn.. haha. then... maybe not... maybe still hafta go fer another sailing course before i can really start sailing agian.. hai~~ that'll will hafta WAIT til i'm older... gonna go concentrate on my scuba-diving and maybe kayaking fer now... want to go fer life-saving too... but NO TIME... ='( *sobz*
=Time is Running Out by Apollo 440=
gosh... such coincidence... creepy... jus as i talk bout no time, "Windows Media Player" plays tis song.. = its a theme song from the movie S.W.A.T. btw...
another thing... today.. christopher (our instructor, Caleb, kp on calling him "Chris, Chris" the kristelle was lik always lking over.. haha. so spastic.. but then, who can blame her.. it happens to me smtimes.. haha. in the public somemore.. then i start lking ard me lik an idiot.. =\) was lik so noisy... hahaz. =P shouting here n there, bout his kayak, bout dunno-wat-knot, bout his kayak, bout the water, bout the skirt, bout dunno-wat-knot-again, 'bout dunno-wat-knot-again-x2.. hahaz. duno wats wrong with him today.. ahahah. maybe wrong medicine... hmm.... wahahahaz. then while doing T\X Rescue, weiqiang flipped me boat... then i capsized.. wahahaz. then he also went down with me.. wahahahaz. so fun... =D ohyar... i so thk tt the instructor (SO TOTALLY NOT being gay here..) Charles, i think... is lik so damn cool... black half-wet-suit, black buoyancy vest, black skirt, black sunglass and.. to top it all with, literally, haha, a black hat (those ranger type ones).. OMG! That's like so damn bloody freaking wicked COOL. wahahahaz. my image-wanna-be-fer-being-an-instructor next time.. that is if i ever become one.. haha. gosh... *day/night dreaming at the moment* ahahaahhz. but he was wearing a pink khaki pants, with flora pattern... hahaz. so funny.. =P

oh yar... during my lunch, i missed my ice-cream... boo-hoo. =(

after all, went home n slept fer a while, mentally CMI liao... =S wahahaz.
TOMORROW: SUNDAY!!! Whee~ KAYAKING!!! muahahahaahz.
[Water=My 2nd Home]



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