星期一, 六月 12, 2006

Monday - Bright & Sunny Day!!

Woke up at 1200.. heheh. actually i wldn't haf woke up if it weren't fer shuhua's call... she's lik on her way to go do project work la... so early.. hai~~ poor thg.. wish i cld help her, but then, proj work? nahz.. mus do on ownself de.. but thanks to her, i'm up and about now.. noono.. not being sacarstic here.. realli.. Anway, today's weather is so lik... oh... so nice... so bright & sunny.. hahaz. well, had a VERY pathetic brunch.. then went to brush my teeth fer lik 10+ minutes? ahahahaz. ltr going to see dentist, of course must brush clean clean.. ;) tis also my first time go see dentist lo!! as in ownself go clinic make appointment.. haha. so scary... so ex somemore... no wonder Singaporeans dun go see dentist often.. lik cost around $30 - $50 fer jus a polishing larz.. omg...
As fer the ltr half of aftnn, planning to go out & get stuffs with mojo-jojo... maybe going to get some new gadgets fer himself so that he can destroy the powerpuff girls & take over the world.. =/ let's wish tis No.1 super villian in the world luck.. =\ (okay... i'm getting carried away here...)


Yesterday went fer 2Star kayaking course.. so nice rite.. anyway, woke up in the morning & found it was raining.. so pack in an umbrella... somemore weather forecast says it will rain in the aftnn.. with flashes of thunder.. whoo.. scary... haha. It was raining when we were lik on the way there (we as in me, Steven & cindy.. met up with em at khatib).. but when we were starting our lesson, it stopped. hooray!! haha. so got on with the lesson by starting with the basics.. that is, all the 1Star stuff.. AND learning the parts of the kayak again... aft all tt, it's to... THE WATERS!!! WHEE~~ ahahaha. idi capsize drills, tis time with skirt on though... haha. was using the "Dancers" tis time round.. nv used it before in my life lor.. all i used were Bandit, Salem, T2 & K2.. haha. bet dunno what i talking bout now.. nvm.. ahahah. yar.. then did some basic strokes again... I HATE CLASSIC DRAW.. then it was lunch!! so hungry lo.. ate pineapple fried rice & ice-cream.. hahaz. the rice was ~okay~ larz.. btuveryex.. $4 fer a small plate.. lik wat the.. but then again, what can you one expect from a park? like, everything there is bound to be lik very ex de larz.. haha. maybe tis sat, i will go make bread there and eat.. hahaha. A LOT of bread.. ahahah.

then in the aftnn, i was like looking at the skies... n... the sky was lik a scary, ominous, foreboding colour.. so dark.. you know, you know... like that show "Independence Day" that UFO thingy that was invading earth? that big big UFO.. haha. okay, maybe a bit of exaggeration there.. but it was dark lar.. but still... we went on down the waters!! Whoo!!! Choppy Waters!! haha. a bit sadist arhz.. ahaha. then,. when the instructor was lik explaining to us bout stern rudder.. cindy & i think got a few more others were lik shivering in the cold alr... hahaz. Then, unfortunately or fortunately, i dunno which-maybe fortunately fer the cold cold people, we had to run fer shelter... 'cos there was thunder.. hai~~ so we hid in a cafe lik building.. haha. but even still, who arhz.. er... cindy, kristelle, jasmine, huayi, jerry? haha. forgot.. were lik super-cold? Shivering sia.. me? i was only cold at the hands... body used to cold with all the late night cold showers.. haha. then huayi was still lik playing ard with the water with taiwei.. haha. funny lo, they all...

in the end, after waiting ard fer lik dunno-how-long... we were told to pack up.. haha. so, went out in the rain, n pack up.. pack-pack-pack.. after washing lik all the kayaks... the rain got smaller.. lik wat the hell larz... but then, we got theory lesson.. haha. thought theory was gonna be very long, but it was quite short.. and even though it is lik short, I ALMOST FELL ASLEEP!! wahahaz. omg larz... haha.

=Home Sweet Home=



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