星期六, 七月 01, 2006

Yesterday & Today

ahh~~ finally a chance to rest & relax.. yesterday, went back to zhonghua sec to haf a look ard.. a hand full of pp went... there was mitchell, andrew, yuting, sally, maoying, bee hoon, hen-hen, vosh, damn..being STM-ded again here, hong kit, jerald bro, regi, colleen, lulu, delin, chin ying, see hwee & guess wat... yi ching & ting xuan went back too!! muahahas. so long nv see 'em alr... those were from my class des... frm other classes, saw two e6 guys walking out, then dixon went back (so long nv see him le, it was really great seeing him again, haha, n he didn't chged a bit).. in fact, was there the whole morning i believe.. then zhe xuan, YAOWEN went back too.. alvin, lil' girl jean yap also went back, some e3 girl also went, the "goldfish girl" =X, dun really rmb her name... er.. peiwen, and a lot more others whom i cant seem to rmb right now... haha. Anyway, saw the performance... felt tt it jus ain't as exciting as last yr's.. last year one's was nicer... especially with everyone (teachers tt is..) in sch uniform!! and us students..in... normal clothings!! wahahas. so cool lar... somehow reminds me of one minor theme in "Twelfth Night" haha. that one bout the servants & master switching roles on the twelfth night of x'mas was it? dun really rmb.. hahas. oh yeah... saw mrs ngiam (that's my form teacher fer 1.5years) SINGING too!! ahahs. so cool.. though not really as nice as ms/mdm? lam =P , BUT.. it was still good... appreciated it.. heh...

after all the performance, talk talk here, talk talk there, (mrs ngiam was toturing her class with physics... okay lar, actually is for show onli... 'cos it lasted onli 30minutes).. then decided to go sake? but dunno wat was wrong, we didn't seemed to be moving anywhere(as usual).. then saw jasmine (?jie-jie?), saw ann ling, saw kelvin, derrick (he shaved his head! muahahas) and i thought i saw levina too, but wasn't sure.. muahaas. aft lik dunno how long, we finally moved.. then in the end os went to j8, to eat delifrance.. lik.. okay~ neither here nor there larz.. haha. [Colleen got cheated of her onion rings was it? but she got cheated nevertheless cos its lik so ex, yet so little, can COUNT de.. =/] so... we ate. yarz.. lik wat else can we do except to eat & talk while there? after, walk walk a bit ard j8, regi, yi ching, jerald, delin left arf tt... left me, colleen & ting xuan.. colleen is too much time to spend on her watch, ting xuan meeting her friends ltr at 1830 to watch movie, n me? also waiting fer 1930 to arrive fer class... so we jus... wondered ard..

dunno WHY... i was lik so full frm eating delifrance.. weird seh... maybe its cause i didn't move a lot during the hol's.. tts why.. crap.. gonna die at napfa.. so, we wondered around j8 a little, then went to somerset, orchard.. on the way, the 3 of us were lik discussing bout homosexuality.. hahas. shall not name names... but.. it seems lik homosexualities are very common nmowadays... so many pp becoming homos..scary... wonder if my CURRENT class pp, some are or not.. *raises eyebrow & being suspicious here* well, its their business ultimately... i shall accept it graciously.. =P mus be open-minded. BUT. BUT, if my kids were to be gays/lesbians... oh manz... i'll be freaking devastated.. dunno how i'll deal with it.. . hahaz. but tts still long away, considering tt i'm stillsingle, studying in a jc, with 2 years of national service plus dunno-how-many-long-years-of-studying, then a few more years of working & then getting married, then a few more years of letting wife concentrate on career (if she wants).. that will lik total up to.. er... nvm, i think i will be like 30 or something alr larz.. gosh... tts old... or is it? hmmx...

back to topic.. so, we were discussing homos... then i was lik: "Gays & lesbians are always very handsome/pretty/beautiful one.." manz.. waste of human resource lorz... hahas. but they agreed lar.. then we were going on on us seeing homos in the public.. lik on the train, bus-stop (ting xuan's exp it de.. barely made out 2 guys.. at night..)... various place lar.. lik they were hugging, smooching.. nd i elaborate? =X then on the train, we discussed bout how to identify straight girls from lesbians.. hahaz. lik straight girls, though they may hold hands, but it's always crossed at the elbows or smthg.. but les, they haf a tendency of holding hands... u noe.. lik those hand to hand, fingers inter-locking those type.. yeah.. but, it's jus a theory anyway.. also, on the train, colleen was saying bout her judo trainings.. haha. she said more during teatime... hahaz.

on the way to cine, lik we saw these 2 girls, holding their hands.. the, not-the-norm-holding typ... haha. then me & colleen were lik.. ahahahaz. so freaky, jus talking bout it, then now see it alr.. haha

finally, reached orchard.. went to cineleisure, had ice cream there!! u guys shld noe the place.. u noe cine, there's this cafe place, where it blocks out a section of walkway.. on the third floor, i htink.. yar.. ting had crepe, colleen some sundae?.. and i had expresso sundae.. ahahahaz. me & ting lik cheat her 3times.. lolx. kept bluffing her that "the expresso is not bitter, okay, maybe at first, but ltr on, the taste becomes different.. it becomes very fragant.. " (fer ur info, expresso is very concentrated coffee.. its BITTER) hahaz. and she got cheated 3 times... with the same trick.. gosh.. it's jus not her day.. ahahahaz. oh yeah.. then she was lik saying that in judo, she's going fer competition in july... then its lik she's put into heavy weight cat.. haha. damn funny lo, especially when she said she's lik the lightest in her cateogory larz.. haha. then she said tt she'll jus go up to the opponent and scare her, cos big size=longer reaction time.. then she'll slam them.. ahahahahz. btw, kit hoong also inside, then she said tt he's in feather weight, in fact, lighter than feather weight.. omg... they shl;d start a new cateogory alr... maybe somethg lik anything-that-is-lighter-than-feather-weight... hmmmx... =/
[onii-san just called, to off the modem fer the upgrade. so, just off-ed the modem.. damn.. internet's down!! ahh!]
so, we sat there and slack till 1730, colleen left, then me & ting made it to PS... then showed her the lego toy.. the bionicle STYROFOAM wweapon made fer little kids.. hahaz. SHAN'T TELL YOU GUYS ANYTHING 'BOUT IT.. IT'S A SECRET.. haha. then we jus went ard n rot lor.. walk here n there, not doing much,... wanderers... haha

1830 came, she met with her friends till 1845... then i left also, went fer my class... legs were lik super tired alr.. haha.

TODAY!! went to eat prata in themorning! but before that, was damn freaking pissed.. haha. my bro was lik blasting the music cao-cao in from his bed, to my bed.. argh... anyways, me & my bro were then lik discussing bout prata...
eu: A lot of people queueing up...
ed: Seems like morning, there's lots of people like to have prata for breakfast...

eu: Other stalls have not? Long queues.
ed: Dunno.. bt should be have bahz... Just look at the freaking long queue here..
eu: You got try before plaster prata?
ed: eh? Plaster prata? What the hell is that?
-so on and so forth... havent eatne prata fer breakfast lik so long alr..
PEOPLE!! You like prata for breakfast?!
once in a while, not bad larz... but i still prefer ceral in the morning.. hehehz. MILK... MILK... then so now, i'm at home... shall stop now... gonna flip thru' 20+ photo ALBUMS.. haha. take a look thru' the pictures.. try find some interesting one plus me baby photos.. hahaz. =)

[Just switched on back the modem. Damn.. almost tried posting this when not connected.. Wonder what will happen.. =/]



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