星期四, 六月 29, 2006


finally, block tests are over.. whew... hope can get decent pass fer everythg n not lik one subj very gd, then the other one very bad.. hate tt... happens to me sometimes... argh... anyway, shld be catching some zz's soon... been chiong-ing revision over tis wk... last wk of hol's also... but that one was lk SLOW revision.. hahahz. then i still can rmb, the sunday before physics & General Paper, was up at my neighbour's house, helping her with art.. . lik... omg... haha. i'm so gonna maybe die? but luckily, still manage to read thru' everythg, but not as well as i hoped fer lah...

then lik last fri, class was lik... MASSIVE PON-NING!! O_O haha. so shocked sia... lik my parnter tt day heng-heng nv come, cos of some other commitment, then the rest also nv come.. hahaz. like onli got me, another lady (giant, cos lik her name sds very similiar to giant, so her nick is lik giant), then another older couple.. hahaz. can you imagine that?! ADULTS. Ages varying from 30+ to 50+? PON-NING LESSON, jus lik any students wld sometimes do.. hahaz. And who are the one's who's lik always telling us students to be responsible? HMPH. =P

then the next day, went to watch !!! Wahahahaz. Midnight show somemore!! So cool... so sorry yvon & gang... didn't went to watch with u guys.. but next time yeah? next will go.. hehehz. anyway, the movie is lik so awesome.. haha. realli, if i were in tt protanginist's shoes... gosh.. i thk tt'lll be lik so damn cool... haha. but i thk i will kill myself... so scary sia.. haha.
Nicole: Eddy! Don't go and watch Silent Hill! Not nice de... A lot of gore... but no storyline de..
Nicole, maybe you shld go n watch it again.. hahaz. anyway, fer those who played the game, but havent watched the movie, the game is a combi of silent hill 1, 2, 3 nd i not sure bout 4... if it does have any element frm silent hill 4, i mus have forgotten it... haha. anyway, the show is very much lik the game itself... scenes from silent hill 1 are very much a lot.. haha. Cybil looks so much lik in the game.. hjehehz. kays... shall not give anymore spoilers.. dun realli lik to be a spoiler.. haha.

anyway, shld be going to slp soon... jus got back frm sch not long ago... but then wanna watch tee-vee also.. on Star Movies.. hahaz. also looking forward to another movie in the theatres.. hehehez.. n i thk still got another.. oh yeah.. .. but not sure whether realli gonna watch it.. lik a bit..er... clinche.. haha. gosh.. tix movie r lik SO EX now... yet still gonna watch more movie... becoming a movie freak.. not good, not good...




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