星期一, 六月 19, 2006


Whoa... like whoa~~ was feeling so demented aft the kayaking course.. last day too.. did sm pretty cool stuff, lik turning on the spot in a forward motion, eskimo bow rescue(full thing), draw strokes with edging, stern rudder with edging.. oh yar, another one, kayak to swimmer rescue, dammmn cool... hahaz.
[damn.. i rmbed i had a lot to write bout yesterday, but jus cant rmb wat!! argh.. feeling STM-ded X_x]
hmmmx... morning did the 6km journey.. actually, 'em instructors were lik planning to go to Changi & haf lunch there, then come back... but then decided tt we guys were too tired as the total distance was lik ~11km... yar, so was jus lingering ard the area lo... went all the way to the end of the loyang beach then up to jus before the channel then back to our spot... saw big ships... hahaz. thankfully brought my Columbia bottle, else wld haf been dehydrated alr... gosh.. oh yeah, i was the left marker too (jerry was the righty) .. haha. usher all the people to stay on my right... but no one strayed away, so sad.. well, maybe except fer christopher & cindy bahz.. haha. then there was tis grp of pp who was lagging behind.. cldn't see 'em, so dunno who they were.. haha. when we neared the fish farms, i saw dogs again!! haha. is time round, jus realised that they were lik super huge manz.. like giant dogs sia.. haha. And heard from the instructor, they DO SWIM!! wahahahas. and they ever swim frm one fish farm to the other.. lik wow... haha. so daring... wahahahas.
-houses on stilts = keylongs
-those flat on the water = fishie farm
*also found out tt we cld kayak into those drain lik areas, provided it is high tide.. wahahas. gonna do that smday... =P
nth much happened happned during lunch break... (I got my ice-cream!!)

In the aftnn, wat did we do in the aftnn... damn it, i realli cant rmb a single thing!! AHHH!!! die manz... oh yar... we did some skills refreshment, tried to sharpen 'em.. then came to the new skill, kayak to swimmer rescue.. muahahahas. so damn cool lo... lik a swimmer is stuck out in the open, then go rescue 'em.. haha. there was the Bow/Stern rescue... gosh... like the bow rescue, though more stable, is so tiring!!! maximum resistance lo... wth... the stern rescue? not so bad, but because haf to stablaise the boat, was also tiring.. haha.
*hit the casualty if he/she tries to sink you.
muahahahas. tt is lik so damn cool can.. makes me think back to my life-saving course. wahahahas.

-When nearing a panicky, uncontrolled casualty, swim around them, calming them down at the same time. If he/she tries to grab you, kick them.
-Should you get near a rocky area & the waves/currents are sweeping you towards it very quickly, use the casualty as a shield.

-In the presence of a carnivore (e.g. sharks) that seem to be attacking you, feed the casualty to the carnivore first.
-All in all, should you, the rescuer, get into any trouble, always use the casualty as a shield.
MUAHAHAHAS. *evil laughter* that is like so damn cool... nope.. it is not abusing the rights as a rescuer.. muahahas. but rather, saving yourself as a rescuer.. really, if u can't save urself, why go save others? wahahaha. THAT, is the Principle of A Rescuer... okay, well, at least it is mine... muahahahas.
well... so jus did various thgy and all lar.. a lot of praticing.. .and it IS A LOT.. capsized (henrietta's favourites) 2times while doing the high brace recovery.. haha. on the left side too.. mus haf overdid it.. =P Oh yeah, i rmbed, christopher made damn lots of noise again too.. was lik complaining bout the..erm.. okay, shall not continue.. hahaz. too tired to continue... =/ haha. then somemore, cindy+kristelle & caleb was lik having a seaweed war.. wahahas. then the 2girls mus haf gone crazy or wat... having coconut in the kayak? omg... haha. aft everythg, went to shower and they issued the certs.. Whoo-hoo!! Everyone Passed!! So Cool!!
Think that's about it larz... cant really rmb all... nvm, will add in if i rmb anythg else.. hahaz. =P oh yeah... weiqiang, huayi were lik roasted larz... haha. especially weiqiang.. i was lik... "Oh my god.. Weiqiang, is that you?!"okay.. not onli 'em actually... a lot of pp, including me, were roasted.. but their's.. is to the extreme sia... haha.

Then went home, and sleep.. kay, didn't managed to sleep, cos i was lik eating dinner, then watching The Two Towers.. gosh.. so LOVE LOTR trilogy... hahaz. then continue watching another show, First Daughter, realised that it was quite a depressing show, bout America's President's daughter.. yar, her lifetime was lik she was caged... u noe, with all the bodyguards around all the time and all.. and she even fell in love with one who was undercover as her bodyguard.. haha. then went to slp at 2300.. felt so demented alr, at tt time... haha
...... zZzzz ......



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