星期日, 八月 20, 2006


today, today... went fer chinese callig lesson as usual in the morning... dun realli wanna go alr.. but then will become stupid if i stop going.. but then again, the teacher so noisy, how to concentrate n draw? hahax. anyways, lesson starts at 1030, but i go at 1000 all the time.. but in the end will always reach there at 1030 cos of the stupid 811 service... argh.. hahax =] nowadays, its lik the lesson end at 1230 where it shld be 1200.. bloody damn.. haha. =]

got home, slack a bit, ate lunch, then went to do work.. completeed chinese & phy TYS... dun feel lik doing tut though.. argh.. hate the tut... tys sooo much more easier to do.. wahahahas. =] wanted to do maths.. BUT.. somehow dun feel lik doing also.. maybe shall do it tml.. yepz.. =]

WHOO~~ I just soooo LOVE MB... hahax. sounds gay, i noe... but who cares? he's cute.. =] and his singing is jus so... *faint* hahax. =P if i were a girl, i think i would try to find a bf tt cld sing as well as he does.. and make him sing everyday to me.. i'll be jus lik basking myself in his voice.. wahhahahas. =X okay, enough gaying around edward. ENOUGH!! =X soo.. watched his performance jus now.. on cable of course.. but it's stil jus as great... awww...
[wishing i could sing like him]

i think i shld punish myself right now.. neighbour's in the kitchen, doing her art, i shld be helping her, giving her advice n such, but i'm actually here blogging.. it's alright if i'm doing my hmwk.. but then blogging? omg.. Punishment=toture myself for PE tml... =/ think gonna watch some more anime ltr on... =] blehz...
Update: neighbour jus left for home. =]

relax.. take it slow n easy.. i noe u're pushing urself hard now... but do try to take it easy sometimes... =] wat's the pt in pushing urself so hard, then ltr fall sick n go into bad health? yepz.. do take care of ur health alrightz? =] always there if u need it....

going off ter texas ehz? hahax. sorri i cant be there to see u off, parents dun allow.. =[ but dun worri! i'll be there in spirit!! (sounds wrong, i noe... =] ) hahax. take care of urself there!! chio some ang-moh girl there n bring her back to see see.. hehehz. anyways, study hard!! any troubles, can always mail us 4e2-ians or smthg.. =] we'll be ready! =]

michelle, da jie
hmmx... i also dun realli noe wat to say bout u... hahax. BUT, do slp early larz... jus take a look at ur eye!! *gasp* i mean lik.. they are among the worst i've seen =X (except fer maybe another sec shc friend, both of u can fight alrz.. =P ) hahaz. then lik tis maybe can stay up during tut/lect alr... =] stay crazy forever~~ =]

maoying, sally
listening to avril's "My Happy Ending" now... tt's why sudden;y thought of both of u, frm tt time maoying wrote the lyrics at ubin.. ahahahx. well, havent been in much contact with the both of u.. but hope u girls r doing well!! sally, i STILL do admire ur chi callig... hahax. gosh.. e beauty of the words u write.. far surpasses mine sia.. hahax. =] maoying, erm..erm.. (dang.. wat am i suppose to write fer her? argh.. =/ ) erm... (think i'll jus crap a little and hope she doesn't realise.. =] ) erm.. alrightz, take care! hope to go to ubin n cycle with u again!! one of the sportiest girl i met, besides carena, tingz.. yepp... =]

jerald brother
hey hey.. so long nv see ya alr!! in poly now, i suppose life is lik quite slack? well, frm auntie chang, she seemed quite slacking ard to me, so ain't writing anythg to her.. ahahahz! well, hmmx.. i think u mus be doing well larz... u always were alright in surviving on ur own. =] some other day, shall complete the plan audrey, beehoon, you & me haf!! go ur hse n stay over!! hahax. =P c'ya on teachers' day cele in zh, hopefully.. =]

dixon brother
hey heyz, also very long nv see u buddy alr.. =] ever since youth day tt day huhz.. hahax. NDP was great.. =] didn't realsied tt u guys tt shield cld chge colours de.. ahahahx. =] anyway, take care of urself, n try not to let relationship problems get to u.. it shld turn out fine fer a guy lik u.. =] gambatae-ne!! hahax.

chiam(dad) & kuoen(mum)

Curina & Susanna
okay, not much fer u guys.. =[ but then, nana lks kinda of stress? hahax. i dunno, but maybe my inuitiation (is tt how u spell it? hmmx... =/ ) is wrong... yepz.. curina, i thk she still lik so free-and-easy.. hahax. but if i'm not wrong, u guys havin' tuition ritez? then wk hard bahz!! then aft promos, maybe we shall go wild wild wet together!! here's to bunch of suaku-s who have nv been to wild wild wet b4.. ahahahz. =P

hmmx... trouble with u noe wat larz..? hahaz. its okay... i can empathize with u.. =] i've been thru tt phase b4.. even now, still am at it.. onli not as serious as urs.. =/ but still, aft all, he's still ur.. yar lar, even though it doesn't feel lik it sometimes... =] but trust me, they haf ur best interest at heart.. =] maybe its cos u're the eldest, tts y.. =] but, do stay cool, alrightz? =]

wat more do i nd to say? everythg will be fine as long as u haf him ard.. horz? ahahahx. no lar, jus kidding, jus kidding.. =] jus get over ur phobia, tts all i hafta say.. heez... if it makes u feel safer, always can get curina to teach u a few defensive moves... be strong! hahahahaz =]=]

martin & lionel
ehh... hmmx... ermm... aei... ahhhz... hurz.... huhz.... mmmm... *silence*
dunno wat to say lehz... hahax. WORK HARD FOR PROMOS!!! =] all MUST get promoted to J2 tis year!! =]=]=] stay spastical & retarded bahz.. hahax. tts the way i lik u guys.. =]

aei... dun u think it's lik tmie to buck up? hehehz.. stop ponning lesson alr, stop slping in class and start studying hard bahz.. hahax.trust me, its a lot better to suffer now than ltr... at least tt's wats my uncle always tell me when i'm in sec... =]=]

doubt she will ever read tis thing i'm writtin fer her.. but guys in o4, how is she? i mean lik.. she's so suuper diff frm the her during first 3mths.. =/ 1st 3 mths, she was lik so friendly n crazy one.. then now? gosh.. lik 2 diff pp liddat.. so cold n all.. hahax. i noe pp do chge.. but not THAT fast.. hahax. =] i realli do wonder.. dun see her much ard sch nowadays, even if haf, lik so... i dunno larz.. take care of her, yeahz? =]

henrietta & bong
hmmx... i think u're doing juus fine... given that brain of urs.. hahax. but i stil do hope u try to come to my blog, even if it's secretly.. hahax. =]=] lets go out some other time.. =] and bong, hope u're having fun in nafa... hahax. ur drawings r realli so fabulous the other time!! hahax. i'm sure u haf far surpass me now... ur drawigs mus be god-lik now... hahax. well, let's go out some other time!! =]

sista vosh & seehwee
also dunno wat u guys r up to.. =] but will find out sooner or ltr.. frm u guys.. hahax. but i thk u all shld be fine bahz... i hope.. if not, i'm sure there's some pp u can always turn to in ur sch.. if dun ahf, there's always the e2s.. =]=]

catherine jie
aiyo... u arhz.. try to cool down with those few pp sometimes, yeah? i noe they're lik very detestable frm ur pt of view, but then.. do try to tolerate 'em... act, they're qute nice alr..i mean, the world is soooo so so so vast & big... there's much more evil & mean pp out there in the society.. so, jus take 'em as a lesson fer u to learn to prep urself fer the future!! =] at least they dun do backstabs... =X =] also, ever feel down, shoulder's always there fer u.. hahax. =] jus lik it is fer any of my cute, beloved, crazy (exception of marie, but on second thought, i think she's jus as crazy.. from the other time tt odac j2 stepdown cere, gosh...ahahahax ) bunch of daughters!! =]=]=]=]=]=]=]

i thk tt's bout all fer today larz... hahax. got the show "Gremlins 2" on HBO... hahax. today sure got alot of nice shows... Star Movie had "Elektra", Cinemax was having "Dawn of the Dead", HBO one is "Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events" (a realli realli nice show.. =] ) and the 天映频道 showed some andy lau show.. all very nice.. but all at the same time.. so, in the end, i watched none of 'em!! =] i was watched Michael Buble sang instead!! =] ahahahx. "Michael Buble: Caught in the Act: A Great Performance" hehez.. yar larz.. i thk enough alr.. go n slp now..boohoo~ cant watch anime alr.. =\ dang..

-Please please, tell me what are you doing up so late? Don't you know it's bad for your health to be up so late? No wonder you feel sleepy sometimes.. Hush & go to sleep, alright? Nitez..

I wish, I pray..
That history would not repeat..
Only at this..
Then I know what fear is..
But still..
No matter what I want..
I will always have your interests at heart..
I hope..
And I hope..
That everything will turn out fine..
Just for this once..



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