星期六, 八月 19, 2006


hai~ so late le... duno wat to do.. wanna watch 2 episodes of some darth vadar comedy and then go slp... hahax. today, today, today... wat happened today? alamak... ERM...ERM... I SUPPOSE today was jus lik any other ordinary day.. hahax. i actually didn't slp much in tut/lect today!! =P but i slept during phy prac.. can u imagine that?! PHYSICS PRACTICAL!!! gosh... it resulted in me doing my life.. eh? wat the hell i typing? argh.. RESULTED IN ME DOING MY WORK wrongly... yar.. ahahaz.

oh yar... then got tis dunno-what-i-should-say-bout-it-programme-from-the-saf... lasted till 1700++.. lik wtbh... then rushed to teck ghee cc to hand up a sports climb form, then went home.. saw shermin!! she was going to her gramp's hse.. when i saw her, i was lik: "AHHHH!!!" so felt lik tearing my hair off tt time.. ahahahaz.

Tml, my cousin's competition.. somethg to do with music one... i ain't going cos i'm not sure i cld.. anyway, she alr found jiejie to go.. so yar larz... still deciding whether i shld go fer gym tml.. i think i will larz.. if i can wake up, that is.. budden, i wld haf to pack quite some stuff.. arghz... hahax. cos ltr in the aftnn, still gotta go celebrate xinyi's b.dae.. yarz.. YIPEE!! havent been with 'em fer sososooo long le.. ahahaz. dunno whether still can communicate not.. =/ but shld be no prob larz.. ahahahz. =]

Then also, i've been thinking bout tis dec hol's... manz.. so many stuff to be doing... Lik i hafta plan fer an overseas trip fer ODAC & i havent even started with it.. (come to think about it, there's still tis ODAC collaboration thgy with SRJC that i still havent thought bout yet.. but i'm thinking that it shld be a race.. on erm... ubin has bikes n trails to go with.. mainland got more interesting stuff.. argh.. dunno which to choose... haix~~ ) yar... then yuting jus msged me jus now, asking me bout the mongolia cip trip.. yarz... i'm thking i shld go, to fill my NYAA requirment... damn... THEN SOMEMORE, I STILL WANNA GO TAKE UP RESCUE DIVE!!! => most prob will take it bahz... cos ade & cindy also wanna go... so maybe at least got some co.. hahahx. even though will be lik diff course, but at least can see each other at times.. hahax. LIKE WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!!? AHAHAHAAHx. alamak.. expenditure gonna be very very high tis year... maybe it's bout itme i go take up a part time job.. maybe at mac's or perhaps at the swimming pool.. prefer swimming pool.. lifeguard.. ahahax. *crosses fingers & prays hard*

hmmx... hmmm.... HMMM... ahahahahaz. crazy people, crazy world, crazy stuff... what the bloody hell am i gibbering about? ahahahahaz. i thnk i'm being influence by all my daughters ler... =/ =] HAHAHAHX. =]



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