星期日, 八月 27, 2006

Saturday & Sunday Main Event

On sat, went out til quite late.. but i think my mum's getting use to me going home late ler, as long as i inform her that is.. =] hehehz. BUT, as long as there are still public transport around to take me home & tis does not include night riders.. i think.. but still, i think that's good enough a deal.. =]=]

Got home, then switched on tee-vee.. annd what did I watched?! guess!! =P

"Pooh's Heffalump Movie" !!!!! wahahahaz. SOOOO CUUTE!! =]=]=]=] gosh.. the first time i watched it was when i was at relative's hse.. =] but i onli watched the front front part onli.. =[ .. but on sat, watched the later part!!! =]=] wished that Disney Channel will show it another time, then i will go watch the full movie.. =]=]=]=] they're jus sooo cute.. =] *heffalump, roo, kanga, tigger, pooh, piglet...* awww... crapz.. so tempted to go get all the pooh's movie le... =] ahahahz. so childish... =]=] but still.. so cute, so cute, so cute, so cute!!!!! *in ecstacy* i think i'm gonna go get some more soft toys le.. all pooh related one.. wld jus LOVE to get a heffalump.. =] Alright! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH EDWARD!!! I think you would just die if you keep on getting yourself all addicted to this pooh-thing.. =]

Aft watching it, went to shower n then slept.. cos the day aft stil got rock-climbing course.. =] awesoome... =]

So, sunday, was up the earliest guy in the hsehold.. which is lik so uncommon on sundays, even though i may haf lessons in the morning on sundays... argh.. So, didn't had any breakfast, 'cos my supplIES of cerals were gone. Extinguished. Exhausted. Depleted. "Poof" just like that.. (feeling hungry now sia.. =/ ) So, had a cup of milo.. BIG one.. then packed my stuff, headed out.. =]

Rock climbing is... FUN!! alright, maybe not over there, due to the small space they devote to the high high rock climb one.. but their bouldering gym is excellent.. it's lik bloody difficult.. even i couldn't tackle it that easily.. =] wat they basically taught was belaying (which i learnt frm 1st 3mths + OBS), wearing of harness (lik duh.. who dunno?!), tying of figure of eight fer the climber(wth.. i last time do sailing one can? =X) and last but not least... climbing calls(also wth, do until dun wan do ler arhz..) yepz... but it was still fun. the practical one, that is.. not theory.. =] soo... if i alr know all these stuff, why bother paying $50 jus to climb fer lik 1 aftnn? hahaz. The cert, baby.. THE CERT!! now, i can officially go anywhere in s'pore and climb+belay... =] realli, certs are everythg nowadays... is lik w/o a cert, u can bloody do nothing... not even fer outdr stuff, tt is if u wanna go pro larz... haiz~~ THIS IS WASTING ALL MY MUM+DAD'S PRECIOUS AND HARD-EARNED MONEY!!! feel very bad actually.. n i still plan to go get my rescue dive at end of tis year.. maybe wun be going to the overseas trip with ODAC alr... =/ gotta sacrifice... =\ yepz... wat else can i do? hai~~ =]=]=] nv mind.. i'll earn those money back!! >= then if possible, let my parents lead a gd retirement life... =]

haiz... so sianded now.. =[ gotta go do PW, even though i haf no idea wat to do... thk i wun bahz.. or i will.. jus gonna lk thru' the doc n thk of stuff tt i cld chge.. then tml meet with grp members n c how lo... =/ nvm.. fer the sake of my members, I SHALL PERSERVERE DESPITE ALL HARDSHIPS!!! =]=] realli.. i realli got no bloody hell of an idea where i get all this motivation n zest from... it's lik.. i got so much stuff to do, so little time, plus i hate hmwk & studying ( i mean, who likes 'em? ) n my results aint tt great, so hafta wk hard.. and also.. okay, enough!! EDWARD!! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN!! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!! STAY WITH ME HERE!! FOCUS!! C'MON EDWARD!! YOU CAN DO IT!! >=

nitey nitez!! =]=] *heffalumps, heffalumps, heffalumps* =]



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