星期五, 九月 01, 2006

what the hell...

ARRRGH!! So damn freakin' bloody hell of a pissed. HMPH. It's been lik so long since i ever got so..so..soooo mad-MAD.. argh...

Dance lesson was alr bad enough, with my partner not coming, without any notice.. dunno wat happened to her.. =/ then, i had to bloody freakin' pair with tis auntie in the same class.. she's lik short, short and arms r so short too... so freakin' not use to it.. somemore it's lik... what the fucking mother fucker fuck is this larz!! ARRGH... AHHH!!! So sianded now.. maybe it's time to look fer a new partner.. any girls interested? hahax. =]

It would have been fine if it were onli that.. but NOOO... while i was trying to get home, the train was like super jammed-packed... pissed off enough with the fact that i didn't had any seats.. SO BLOODY WANTED A SEAT LARZ... my legs were lik super tired frm the whole day of walking, plus dance.. plus i onli got 3hrs of slp yester-night (not that i'm blaming you gal.. no, tis ain't ur fault, absoulutely nth to do with u. =] ) wa kao ehz... can die, while standing in tt train.. WHAT'S WORSE.. AUNTIES WERE LIKE SQUEEZING HERE & THERE. Jus so bloody hate 'em aunties... realli.. while in tt train, I suddenly haf tis HUGE urge to beat someone, anyone, around/near me... manz... trying so damn freakin' hard to control myself.. I think i got a violence attitude problem.. =/ *sometimes, just find it so hard to control my heart*

[watched "Shark's Tale" at 2300+ .. awesome, i say.. =] at least a little smthg to cheer me up! =D ]

[Don't freakin' get me dad.. "Always watch this kind of small kid small kid children show, cartoon.. what's so nice about them? You still a kid arhz? When will you grow up? ] HMPH. I GOT BLOODY NTH TO SAY TO YOU.

then tis morning, woke up at 0900... got woken up by my mum.. manz.. she just don't let me slp over 0900 nowadays.. argh... not even when i'm lik tired frm previous day.. =/ THEN, she had to go ask me GO DOWNSTAIRS, PETROL STATION, to get a loaf of bread & a copy of today's morning paper.. LIK WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK CAN... I only woke up for a few minutes, body system not fully operational yet, hadn't had MY one-person peaceful & relaxing breakfast of "Post's Honey Bunches of Oats with REAL Strawberry", hadn't even brushed me teeth yet, still clad in onli my boxers & a small shirt... and now, SHE tell me to go down buy some stuff... AT LEAST like let me chge my clothes first can? Or aft breakfast? Then tt father of mine is still lik slping... damn.. dun get him sometimes.. realliz... ALWAYS telling me to do this & that.. like washing the cup or plate when i use finish it.. or my water-bottle.. and not jus leave it in the sink.. wat "by the way".. I SPIT on those words of urs.. ownself ALWAYS never do those stuff, yet want me to do?! FANTABULOUSLY WONDERFUL OF A ROLE MODEL YOU ARE. =] realli... at least i wash my own utensils when no one's ard.. even when there is, i will do so if i'm haf lik nth urgent to do at hand... BUT... BAAHZZ... forget it.. sick & tired of it..

bahz... jus realised haf got PW: I&R to do.. argh... sux... cant even let me enjoy my morning...

hai~~ never ever realli felt so madly furious before since last yr, when i was doing my art.. not even tt time de rock-climb course, which left me feeling rather pissed off... but not THIS furious.. sorri if i'm scaring any of u.. hahax. BUT there comes consequences fer playing too much video games, specially of violent nature, and also watching too much violent shows.. =/ i'm alright now, back to norm... ahh... think i'm realli in nd of a vacation.. I need to go out and haf some fun.. but i jus dunno wat to do, 'cept to rot at home, do my hmwk, work on PW, and to slack ard with the comp... =/

On a happier note, yesterday was teachers' day.. went back to zhss, escaped frm yj.. hahax. damn hilarious.. specially with andrew n his fuuny/spastic/retarded anthics... wahahaz. realli, i don't know what we'll do w/o u... u're jus the sir andrew that ever so entertain us all e2ians.. =] yupz.. talking bout e2ians.. saw Mit, Ian, Aud, Nic, sista vosh, sister regi, another small sister jean of mine, erm... big sister yiling didn't saw her.. then still got nura, jerald bro, hooney, found my new punch bag hekming =P, mojo jojo took time off frm his taknig over of townsville too, erm.. .still got delin also, the 2 NJ pp - chinying & yingxian came back too, so proud of 'em.. =] then got panda, tt maoying girl who is realli so cat-like, agile, flexi, yupz.. still got lulu (HAHA), auntie ting also came back, as well as belinda.. yuting too... and OH YA... COLLEEN... ahahahz. my batch, saw dixon, zhexuan, yaowen, zijiang, siewkun, nelson, well, a lot more others.. =] =] =] so happi~~ =] then juinors saw eric, nina, wendy.. saw HER too.. gosh... still as lovable & a darling as ever.. =] i thk i haf a crush on her..AHAHAHAZ. nahz.. jus jking.. she's soo tall... =] oh yea, bout colleen..

well, wanted to eat lunch, so she insisted on going j8.. then say wanna eat bread.. so logically, say delifrance.. and wahahaz me n regi go.. =] insiders' joke... =P then went to eat ramen.. hahaz. had a few laughs in there.. =] then went off to get her new bag.. she got her bag, aft quite some time... cos she was lik going in and out of stores, thinking whether she wanna go in and take a lk at the bags.. was lik = hahax. in the end, got an adidas bag. adidas rox.. so does puma.. =] then had a lk at some toddler's toy section.. =] was lik retards over there, too bad jojo chged n didn't join us.. =/ but stil ,had laughs again.. was playing with tis magic 8 ball thgy.. hahax. (before tt we saw tis spongebob squarepants version of monopoly & game of life.. cool.. ) yea.. then i sudden;y realised that we were lik spongebob & patrick.. frm tt episode whre they got lost in some funny seaweed forest (wat kinda of ofrest they haf in there beside seaweeds?!) thus, they were lik relying on tis magic cockshell fer watever they do.. ahahahaz. funny episode.. =] =] ahahaz. spastic, retards... =] but fun.. =P

met up with hekming.. then strolled a bit a while more.. =] planned with regi to go shopping tis hol's cos she got stuff to buy... THEN, SHOCKINGLY.. yiwa, yj mate, WAS LIKE IN J8 as well!! (did i mention tt yvonne, buddy frm pri sch was ther as well? she saw me, but i didn't catch her.. =[ hahax dang.. ) and then she was lik on the same floor as well when we realised that we're in j8.. MESSAGING EACH OTHER AS WELL.. how spastic can we get!!? hahax. no... we didn;t bump into each other.. EVEN SCARIER... Her gd friend, WAS HEKMING'S JC MATE.. was lik.. OMG.. WHAT THE HELL.. hahax. the world is so small... jus lik in AJ & NJ... =] pp i know, frm diff grp, knowing each other in the end.. hahax. =]

then went to far east, but cldn't cos dunno way (yes.. i noe.. very spastic.. but i'm lik orchard rd idiot canz? =X ) so went to lido... on the train to orchard, tt's when i found my brand new punching bag - hekimng!!! hahaz. cool... =] he's lik so strg & muscular now... so tall, big size...
"Standing at a height of 1.75m, weighing 73kg. Big, strong, muscular, fit as a fiddle & definitely hot. Tough when things get ugly, gentle as can be with any other things. Use to command a troop of National Police Cadet, now, Captain of Nanyang's Dragon Boaters. We have, in the corner, ONG HEK MING!! Single and desirable!!"
ahahahax. =] dating ad... =P sorri hekming, jus cldn't resist it.. =X

so, went town.. idled ard, jer, hoon, aud they all went to watch "The Devil Wears Prada" which i cldn't join, one, cos i didn't had enough money (forgot to bring money out on the day.. dang.. ) and 2, cos i got dance lesson.. so, hek & jojo went home, yuting went to visit the doc bout his leg (take care, yupz.. hongkit too!! heard bout ur leg.. wish u a speedy recovery =] ) then me went to PS to idle.. n i do mean idle.. walking ard aimlessly, nth in mind to lk at or view.. went to barang barang's to view the furniture's in the end.. in my mind, figuring out wat my dream hse will haf and wat it'll be lik.. ahahahax. =] then 1900 came.. hai~~

WELL, that's wrap it up, i guess.. AND.... HAPPY MORNING TO ALL!!! =]=]=] hope you guys don't haf such an equally or more lousy night than mine!! =]



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