星期日, 十月 01, 2006


Well... in the morning, I was packing up my files, organising everything. This will make my revision A LOT easier.. hehehz. =]

Afternoon, went for class. With NYP students. I think most of them were older than me... sad...and here I was, thinking that I could finally get to partner with someone my own age. Hahah. There were a lot more girls than guys too =P... It was like "whoa~" Marathon class. First time I ever went like that continuously with little rest for 2hours. But it was worth it... =]=]=]=]=]

Then, after, went to celebrate Yinwen's Birthday!! =] YEAH!!! Got to see all my GYM-MATES. Yinwen, Zhengwei, Yiling, Yenling, Beijia, Sinweng, Nelson & last but not least, Weisiong!!! =] All smiles now... Went to Cafe Cartel, Plaza Singapura, to eat. We had decided to pay for the meal, but Yinwen was too fast, went to pay first already.. =[ plan ruined... Anyway, during the meal, talked quite some bit larz.. Yenling & Sinweng were going on about "chien-pian-wen-da-ti" hahaz. Hilarious. Then Weisiong was like same as always - zi-xiao-ing people..

After dinner, played pool... Again, Weisiong was like zi-xiao-ing people again. Couldn't concentrate when playing him, was always laughing and laughing.. Argh.. Hahahaha. But it was fun, no doubts. Play, play, play, then went back to Cafe Cartel and some had cake... I didn't, got Hagen-Daaz waiting for me to get home.. =] Over there, we were.. alright, not 'we'... Alan was chatting on the past days in Zhonghua. Hahaha. The stuff he and his class did. Like not going to school for 3months, not attending extra lessons during the whole June hol's, playing tricks on people.. Ahahahaha. Don't know why, but he really can be a storyteller.. Wicked.. =]

Alright, enough bull-shitting for now.. Just came back, now got to go do some dumb survey and then bath.. Tomorrow morning still got class.. =/



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