星期六, 十月 07, 2006

All Smilez

ALRIGHT!! Actually, at this hour, I don't really feel like blogging anymore. BUT I really want to, since I had such GREAT FUN today!! So, let's do this as quickly as I can, before I forget anything!

Hmph. Morning, was slacking as usual. Then grabbed some grub at blk630 coffeeshop. Set off for my so-called "class"

Yep, so I guessed I reached there 15minutes before it started. Turns out that Peter, supposedly that class coach/organiser didn't came & everyone was relatively early. Haha. Funny guys... Purposely make him angry one. Haha. Well, as usual, there weren't enough guys to go around, so, the girls had to share the guys. At first, uncle (that's what I call my teacher...) gave me 4girls. I was like... "what the... 4? How am I going to survive?" Then just at the right time, one guy came into the class, saving me. Hahaha. So, i had 2 in the end, 'cos some others had 1 only. =]=]=]

Oh yea, did I mentioned that I was partnered with 2girls, who was relatively short. One was still quite alright, but the other was really short. BUT she is better than the auntie the other time. HAHA. Hmmm...maybe it's just that younger girls are different. Hehehez.

Yeah... so 2hours passed, whiled away just like that. But it was very worth it... Quite an experience... *smiles*

So, after class, they went to get flowers with chocolates inside for the teachers. Hehehez. Before that, also took some polariod. Hahaz. Cool. Alright, after all that thanks and photo taking, we went out. Hehehz. I went with them too, of course. Had lunch with them. It was then I knew them better! *grins* Actually, I think the fun part was getting to know everyone better. HAHA. So, there's Michelle, Rene, Karen, Peggy, Zelia(I think that's how it's spelled), Grace, Josh, Anson, Julian, Y.C., Brian, Kelvin and I there's a lot more others whom I don't know/remember. Haha. So bad... But it's a lot of names & faces to remember, you know. Haha. So, had lunched, then went to Mac's to get some cream. Then they started 'tis talk 'bout cream... "Do you want to lick my cream?" AHAHAHA. Oh yea, did I mentioned, that most of them were like older than me. In fact, I think ALL of them were older than me. HAHA. The youngest was Michelle, who was 18, youngest guy I know is 19, oldest guy is like 28, oldest girl I know is 26/27 like that. Can't remember which..

We interrupt your reading for an extremely important announcement. Today, edward just found out that... SOMEONE HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDATE AS HIM!!!! WAAHHHHHHH!!!! SO COOL!!! And that special someone is... none other than... RENE!!! I've put her name especially big 'cos it isn't that easy to find someone who has the same birthdate as you... *big BIG smile* AND she's like super-duper cute. Well, so is some others. Haha. *sticks tongue* Right, end of special annoucement.

Yep, so, after lunch, after ice-cream, went to bowl. I think that we're all like lunatics there. Then, also saw something that will probably happen once in a lifetime. The bowling-ball fell into the gutter, and CAME OUT again! Everyone was like.. "wah...." AHHAHAHAHA. Cool. Had a hell of a time. Then after that, went to the arcade. Saw them played ParaPara. OMG. They're good at it. Hahaz. Wonder how much they spent to get so good.. Ahahaha. And after all that, went to get some food again, then I went home, while some went to some cafe to play games. wahahahaz. So, I went home with Peggy & Brian. Haha. And well... some funny stuff happen, which i refuse to say. *grins*

A little bit of "jie-di-lian" also happened. WAhahahahaz.



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