星期六, 十月 14, 2006

Gosh! I've been Tagged!

The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about their perfect lover. Tag 4 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying that they've been tagged.

1) Character
MUST be nice & sweet, but can be sacarstic at times. BIG "No-no" to commanding, selfish, arrogant, obnoxious, narcissus, etc. Don't really like emoemo type too.

2)Know at least something
As in have a talent somewhere. Or something one is dedicated to (like I am to gymnastics *sticks tongue*) But please, something useful, not useless & idiotic.

3) Independent/Understanding
Must be able to know that I can't always be there, although I'll try... And also to accept who I am.

"This is getting difficult already & I still have 5 more to go..."

4) Outgoing & Sporty
Those who know me, you will Definitely know why, yeah? *winkz*

5) Ability to converse
Well... I'm kind of an introvert, so, well... Yeah... I must be able to tune myself to her frequency. Haha. Sorry...

6) Wise
DEFINITELY A MUST. Yes! Few factors into one. Firstly, know that a relationship isn't just having good smashin' fun, romantic moments & all. But also have it's quiet moment & ugly (That's where understanding comes into play) ones too. Then, clever enough to not argue over the most slightest & stupid things. Also, enough to able to go into repartee with me. Hehehz.

7) Household chores
At the very least, know how to sweep, mop the floor & some simple cooking (Then able to appreciate even more if she makes the effort to wip out a grand meal for you, right?) Haha.

8) Last but not least, Looks
Not really must have looks to kill (literally & metaphorically) but, at least be decent enough. Or at the least, one that I am fine with. I mean, who would want to go out with a troll? Yeah...

Gosh, looking at a preview of that, no wonder I'm still Single & 17. Muahahaha. Should cut some slack...

Targets to be tagged: sis Yiling, M is for Mum Martin from Mars, okay. Just Martin, Capt Hek & last but duno-if-it's-least, reBecca. Evil Laughter *Muahahahaz*

Somehow, this tag seems strangely fimiliar...wasn't I being questioned just the day before or something? Hmmm......

Anyway, was bored with the Books, so taking time off to do this & watch an episode of Bleach. Just finished revising Physics & a little of Maths. Shall do purely Geog tomorrow & Monday. Maybe a little bit more Maths. Then Chem one day should be no problem. Another day for Geog, hope I'll pass. Let's go people of YJ!!! Promos upon us & it'll be over very soon! *All the best!*

And warriors, Sentosa this coming Friday! Hehehehz.
E2's, looking forward to a gathering! Hopefully, a chalet! Moral support sistaa! Haha. For now la... Yepz.
Sister, meeting up after!
Dating with physical training after Promos!
Gymnastics after Promos!

Okay, enough nonsense from edward already! It's time for you to go back to revising edward!!! HMPH.



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