星期二, 十二月 26, 2006

E2 Chalet is here!!

E2 Chalet is Today!

Yea~ the chalet is here & I finally get to see almost everyone! *smiles*

Christmas Eve was great with my mates. I guess seeing them again, made me sort of happier. *smile* But even happier was the day with my relatives. That was an uproar.

Damn... I guess I'm just not prepared yet... *Hmmm*

Random stuff:

The song I'm listening to now is so sad, fits my mood perfectly. Yvonne says that I got a fierce face, don't you guys disagree? Saw Audrey at Heeren's (Heheh. I'm gonna "knock" her) Waiting for Joseph to get online. I'm bad. Really bad. *Muahahahaz*

Oh.. almost forgot. To all those I didn't message or what-ever,

Merry Christmas!



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