So many things going through my mind right now. Some photos first?
By the way, these were from Night Cycling. On 261208. Yea... Quite some time back huh.
The group of us.
Jasmine & Meixing
Keith & Jerome
Jerome & Keith. They're figuring which direction we should be heading to.
Mexing, strongest female cyclist in the group.
That's Edward.
Now, this would've been a better one. If it weren't so blur. *laughs*
Jerome, strongest cyclist in the group.
Outside Raffles City, if you're thinking the place looked familiar.

Taste great.That's 'bout it for photos. So far.
Frankly, I feel much like writing out an essay now. There's really so much thoughts spinning through my head now. It's quite fustrating. And if I go to sleep, I'll probably forget most of these thoughts when I wake up. And I don't want that. Now, if ony I've a Pensive. Heheheh.
Alright. I think I'll just skip the surface of the water of all these thoughts now. Sorry, but this may get boring.
First thing first. I'm depressed. Something's wrong with my body. It's disgusting. Even I myself find it gross. And it's freakin' depressing. And I've no idea how this. Condition. Came about. But, I think it's slowly getting better. So, nothing much to worry there.
Man. Mankind. They are born evil. And well, they learn good. That's the verdict I've reached after much thought. It's just a general statment though, and most certainly does not apply to each & everyone. Doing good deeds versus committing evil. Hmmm...
Chatted with my da-yi on the phone a while ago. Alright, a few hours ago. Well, talked 'bout all the cousins that there is. I don't know. It's... it's indescribable. Sometimes, I wonder... Well, with her, we bascially talked about studies, since she asked me 'bout my plans first. Sigh~
Let's start. But I don't know how. Well, both the eldest are doing well now. Victoria. She's most probably going to Perth for University. Me? I've got my plans. Just that she's not that approving of it. But well, at least I've got a plan. That's a start.
Victor. Not the ideal-est of situation. I daren't even think 'bout this happening. But the thought did cross my mind before. Well, now, he's going to start to learn. I hope. I sincerely hope he'll see the light & wake up his idea. It's nigh time he starts to plan ahead. Andrea, she's bright. Edric, at least he's still studying. He's a good brother, he is.
Edrea, she's moving to O's this year? Or next. Sorry, a bit confused due to change in year. Xi An, Xi Ping. Frankly, the elder one is the more worrying one. But then again, from what she'd said, I also feel that they should give some attention to the younger one as well. Also, try not to praise the younger one too much. Or even start to compare them.
You know, it's a miserable life, to be comparing one with another. Especially when they're brothers. And more so, when the other is like outshining you in every single thing. I've lived through those moments when I was young. Thankfully, I made it through it. Though I'm not sure how I did. Hahaha.
Hmmm... *lost in thoughts*
The past few days, also been with Papa. I'll say it. He's like. One of those people I respect a lot. He'd said a few stuff as well. It was surprising to hear it. But still, it was a pleasant surprise. *smiles*
Watched the show "Bridge to Terabithia" again. This time, instead of just focusing on the story, it had me thinking about myself. And well, my life. Just like to say, I really cherish each & everyone of you guys (& girls) whom I've known over the years, a lot. Nothing & no one can ever replace each & everyone of you. It's everyone that had made me who I am today. Yes, even the detestful ones. After all, life's not all about happiness, isn't it?
Life is short. Life as a kid, is even shorter. But that doesn't mean that we can't stay a child forever.
The show also led me to think about the anime "Byousoku 5cm". And well, as much as I'd hate for it to happen, I suppose that it will. Someday. Unless we really hold on tight to it, and never forget. So, till the time comes, I'll just indulge myself in the moment.
Ah... I think all these crap would suffice. For the moment. I would think there's still quite some bit left in my head. But, well, those will have to wait. I'd gave my self till the end of my playlist. Well, it's about to end. So, think I'll stop here.
It's time for me to rest.
Good nights