Violence & Blood.

Okay. So, what is really happening in Singapore? I don't know. I don't really follow the news much.
But seems like to me, the number of cases of violence are increasing. And fast. Please, let society be stable once more when I return. Else I'll have to tread carefully everywhere I go. Or maybe have a hidden blade with me, like in Assassin's Creed.
Anyway, the idea that my brother came up was pretty interesting. Something about humans (behavior?) going in circles. Like how secret society used to be evident in Singapore but tamed down massively over the years, and, are now picking up again. Funny how it's like fashion. Maybe being all gangster-ish & aloof is the in thing now. And perhaps youngsters nowadays feel like there's something they need to prove.
Or maybe. There is a greater force (not god) behind to which we do not understand. *Gasps* Okay, that was rubbish.
Hmmm... I don't know what to think of this right now. But, I'll pick the lines of youngsters feel like they have something to prove, you know? Like, self-worth? That they are actually capable of doing something, no matter what it is? This thought linked to the parents, that they're are belittling their kids.
Then again, maybe it's too much media about violence. Like they're being brainwashed. Though I turned out fine... Although I do...
Maybe it's the society's fault. I tend to like to blame society for everything (social related) gone wrong. Partly because society is everyone, and everyone blames other stuff for any mishaps that happens.
On a side note, I'm... about 65% to 70% set on going to Sydney. Mostly 'cos my heart's telling me to go.