星期日, 十一月 21, 2010

One last paper to go!

Cute, isn't it? Too bad the design is on a female's cardigan.

Remember the times, when Facebook wasn't even invented yet, and I don't know, Friendster or Blogger/Live Journal/Wordpress was all the craze. Then you have people hitting websites & doing quizzes, and then posting them results on their blogs? Hahaha. Here's one. In tribute to times before Facebook. Times before where almost everything is available or do-able on Facebook.

I'm a O84-C46-E9-A44-N18 Big Five!

Erm... So, that's a personality quiz. Hahaha. Yeah, was bored with studying, so figured I'd try something like this. Did a bit of falsifying information with the quiz at the very end. It's a silly quiz after all.

And I'm thinking I'm looking more and more like those samurai warriors as each day passes by without me shaving. I could totally blend into the Edo Period now. Hahahaha. It looks not bad, but I'll have to get rid of it. Soon.

Argh... Can't wait for Tuesday to arrive. Damn it.



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