星期四, 十一月 11, 2010

Old Spice

Watched a few Old Spice commercial. Think I'm going to try it for fun. Hahaha!

Had also been reading One Piece recently. And... Sad to say, but I'd caught up to the recent chapters in a manner of approximately one month. Actually, that's quite long, right? I wasn't even trying, honestly. And here's a picture from some time ago. Somebody commented I looked like the dude from the story... *shrugs*

So, my cousin had finally ended her sem's exams. And I've yet to start on mine. Crap. And my revision has started. But it's going at an extremely extremely slow pace... So unmotivated. Exams ah, exams. Faster come, faster go.

Just love that Old Spice commercial.

But, but, but. Nooo!! They don't seem to have Old Spice in Australia!

And browsing through Facebook, I just had a clear view of my CE cadet wing OC's wife. We heard she was an air stewardess. But damn. I say she's one of the better looking one though. Heheh. And their daughter looks pretty cute too. Good life. Pretty high rank in the army, good chap, pretty wife, cute daughter. Hahaha. If only I was guaranteed such a life if I'd sign on, I'll gladly do so. Hahaha.



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