2 more days!
I had not intend to blog, but since I don't think I can re-post this video up on Facebook, I'll do it here instead.
But words of caution first. It's not gross, but sick. And somewhat very disturbing. Not exactly for the faint hearted & weak animal lovers. It's about this female squishing a rabbit. Yeah... Animal violence.
Oh, and it's not my video alright.
I've seen a worse one before. About this Chinese lady (why is it always chinese?) murdering a kitten.
Got to set someone thinking, why are they even doing this in the first place. And it's not like they're alone, there's always a friend or more around with them. Entertainment? That's quite a sick entertainment, murdering other animated species which are totally defenseless. Pick on something their own size, then, that's entertainment. You know, like how they have the Colosseum for back in the days.
And that's not it, these people, they do so without flinching. And they were even smiling/grinning away. So then, I think my theory on humans being born bad is coming true. I mean, nobody in society teaches these kind of stuff. "How to murder cute & defenseless animals while having a good time 111". There will be an outrage.
Humans are born bad/evil & they learn good.
Then again, they all could just be psychopathic bitches. I'd noticed such incidents that I've come across, they're all females. So what? Females are much more unstable & dangerous? Hmmm...
Alright, back to studies. Stupid video making me waste time.
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