星期五, 七月 02, 2010

Chill. Cold. Freezing.

Okay. So today wasn't so bad after all. But, doesn't mean I've changed my mind about sales. Still, not that bad an experience.

And with regards to my permanent-temporary job. I'm seriously considering art now. As in, drawing stuff to sell. I'm guessing it's going to be a nightmare to actually start this 'project'. So, going to take it step by step. And the first, is planning things out.

And... My laptop feels damn cold to the touch now. Hate it when the weather gets cold. 'Cos it means my fingers will probably freeze when I start using it.

And it's getting unbelievably cold this few days.

The picture says it all. And it only gets colder & colder as the night progresses. And I think something's wrong with me. 'Cos I'm in a tee-shirt & shorts only right now. That, or I'm too good at adapting to changing climate. Haha.

But my fingers are still freezing. Boo.

Now... There was something I want to mention... But I just can't seem to recall what the bloody hell in the world it was... Argh. Me & my failing memory.

Nevermind. Photos tomorrow (hopefully)!



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