Can't live without games. Period.
Swapped "Obscure 2" today. And guess what I swapped it for? "Prince of Persia". HAH. No. I'm not jumping onto the bandwagon. I already notice the existent of the game ever since 1990s. Mid 90s to be more precise. I notice the game some what after I found Tomb Raider. It's just that I haven't really got around to getting it, since it's not exactly a mainstream game. I thought it looked cool, but wasn't sure of the gameplay. And given my financial dependence, no way could I afford it.
So, yep. And I'd realised today, that Wii games are like. Really for the family. XBox has much cooler games. Though they're way more expensive.
My dream home, is going to have a Wii console, & a XBox as well. Equipped together with one or two heavily modified PC for gaming. Wii is fun & entertainment for all. But the really awesome games, comes from XBox & PC. In my opinion. Not too sure 'bout a PS though. It doesn't seem all that interesting nowadays.
And talking about games, let's go on a little further.
I think games are like. A work of art. From the adrenaline pumping first person shooters, to heart thumping horrors, to the gut wrenching violence and gore and to the silly and funny games. Obscure 2 is a failure when it comes down to any one genre. It failed to scare (in the long run). It failed to deliver action (non-stop).
Talking about scare. I haven't tried Fatal Frame nor Fear before. Wonder how scary they can get. But the THE one horror game I really really will refuse to play alone. At night. Is Silent Hill. Damn it. That game just scare the wits of me. I like how they play with your imagination. And that's a scary thing.

And to think the game's banned in some countries. Oh. I think Dead Space is quite creepy too. Sci-fi creepy.

Oh, oh. First person shooters game are not bad too. Far Cry 2, Call of Duty, Left 4 Dead, Fear. Just to name a few titans in my opinion. And yes. I don't do Dota or WoW at that. Whatever Dota abbreviates as.
I guess RPGs are fun too. I like it for their storyline more than the gameplay. And of course, with decent graphics. The only 2 RPGs I played, for its era, with not-so-good graphics, yet I find them totally amazing (even more so than the rest). And I'd even placed them Number 1 & 2 in my list of RPGs played & want to play. Xenogears & Vagrant Story.

For both games, they have good artworks or concept arts. And it differs greatly from the in game graphics. Still, both games are just epic. And not recommended for kids. It's hard to master the controls for both. But once one get use to it, it's just awesome. Also, the story's kind of deep. There's twist & turns, & well, I didn't really get the story at the start too.
Okay. Enough about games huh. But I guess I kind of like violent games more than other genre. I mean. To make all that. Is an art form in its own discipline. Of course, there are exceptions. Like Tomb Raider.
And how could I forget Metal Gear Solid. And, and Splinter Cell. Aww, shucks. So many great games out there that I'd like to try. But great games have great prices too. For starters, one would need the battleship to mothership of PCs. Nothing less. Else, the game would just get frustrating since it will definitely be lagging most of the time. And... Laptops aren't exactly made for gaming. Maybe the new Mac can. As well as Alienware. Other than these 2, don't think there's anymore.
Okay, I should really stop with the games huh.
Ah well, games. What do I do without them. Life's a living hell without games.
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