To be the best Photoshop/SketchUp dude in class.
The above picture is just pure luck. Remember that I fell? Well, took me ages to get my bicycle up & running again. And so bloody thankful that we (as in my brother & I) had a similar problem before with the bicycle. So, so happen I was the one who went to send it for repair. And yep. Watched the uncle repaired the bicycle. And that's how I came to do it on my own. Hmph.
Well, Number 03 was so-so I guess. Ham with sunny-side. Couldn't really taste my ham. Maybe should have fold it over for a thicker piece instead of spreading it out. And see my sunny egg? Hahaha. Success! But the yolk burst before I could bite into it. *sad*
Number 04 was just awesome. Pork strip with omelet. Well, partly of the pork actually. The marinate was done (by Mama) good.
Bought it at MYER. I love it. Guess the price? It was a steal. AUD$19.95. Awesome right. Now there's something big in my bed.
And. I just realised. Macbook Pro. Not the most friendly object to your fingers when the weather's cold. Whenever I leave my Macbook sitting on the desk overnight, the next morning, the whole thing feels as if it's been kept in the fridge to chill. And mornings. Not exactly the warmest of time. Macbook Pro just brought the definition of cool one notch higher.
And no. I've not complete my essay yet. Brush up the done section tonight. Wake up early next morn', go run. Come back, shower, eat, start on it.
Oh, some ego strut here. HAHA. I feel damn like the specialist (not pro or god yet) today. Basically, my group mate dropped a bomb on me. So, I had to print a map. It was a coloured map, 1:1000 scale. And the requirement was that scale, on A2 size. Black and white. Buildings are to be black, the roads white. And apparently, people were having problems with it. (Muahahaha) I admit I had problems as well. But I figured the best way (with my limited knowledge & skill) to go about doing it.
I was working the 2nd (better) version of it when people start asking me how to do this & that. Damn, I'm good. Muahaha. How's that for ego. Gosh.
But it's thanks to my 二哥 as well. It pays when your brother's does Design. You get to see how he/she does things on this software sometimes. And it rubs off on you over time. Haha.
Maybe I should go shower now... Freaking 8°C now. Oh no... My fingers are cold.
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