And we're on.
Oh yeah. Finally. After 2 months being in school, there's finally Internet connection for me. Irritating. Had to go up to their labs to get my account activated.
And yes. I'm in school now. Not for anything. Just. Returning books. Kind of sucks. Luckily school's nearby. Alright. Taking the bus wasn't so bad after all. Heheh.
Erm. Photos. Photos...

While I was bored reading my texts, fiddled around with Photoshop.
Comparing Singapore's & Australia's movie tickets. Big difference in price, big difference in paper quality. Inverse though.
Shopping at City area. Cute head gears.
Remember my fall? Well, these are my medical supplies for it. Some antiseptic, forceps, alcohol, cotton piece. Argh.
- Posted at 1247hrs. 070410, Wednesday.
Post start: 0036hrs. 080410, Thursday.
Just did a sort of revamping of ODAC's blog. Well, yeah. The graduates have a sort of blog. But it didn't seem to work out much. So, I'm doing another round now. Hoping that it will work once more. And this time, I intend to keep it running.
And damn sad. My Teva died on me. I was on my way home, when sudden;y, I felt this funny feeling at my heels. That feeling as if something just poked their way through the sole of the slippers. Yea, it happens, 'cos Tevas are soft.
Turns out there's a hole in the slipper. Damn sad. Now. Have to get a new pair of slippers. That's my mission for tomorrow. Shopping at the city! Maybe can do a few shots here & there. See how my mood goes. And I'm thinking if I should go before, or after lunch. Sigh... Before lunch, means I'll be spending money outside.
It's not that I'm being a miser here. But, have yet to fully adapt to the price of food here. If it were Singapore, I wouldn't have mind & just eat out for all I care (since I'll be alone). But here. Damn. Food, as being one of the most important basic necessities, it's rather pricey, comparing ti Singapore's pricing. That's 'bout my one(?) & only complain here. So far(?). Yep.

There you have it. Before. Process. After. Yep.
Hmmm... Feeling hungry again. Always feel hungry when I stay up late.
Oh. Did I mention that the tenant has moved out already? Apparently she moved to somewhere closer to school. Walking distance was it? Not too sure. But, point is, she moved out. So, it's 3 people in the house once more. But not for long. Mama's coming over tomorrow late night.
Right. Time to sleep.
Oh, one last thing. I think the label thingy for Blogger is actually quite useful. But... I've no idea how to categorize every single one of my post. Sigh. Makes it easier for backtracking at times.
Post end: 0116hrs (DAMN. It's late). 080410, Thursday.
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