Wow. This is something. 2 posts in a day. Rare.
So, what is this about now? As the title implies, accidents.
So far, my number of bikes (as in bicycles) accidents amount to less than... 5? Major ones at least. So, the ones remembered are...
The first one was when I was just a puny little kid. With a lousy bicycle. One that the brakes was so hard to apply (in fact, I think the whole thing had rusted). So, went down this... 20˚ to 30˚ slope. I have no idea why I was so stupid back then. Seriously. There was this massive concrete wall at the end of the slope. Just 1 to 2 meters away. Stupidity factor. Went down rushing. It was fun. Till I realised I couldn't stop at all. BANG! HAHAHA. Awesome. Smashed into the wall. Bleeding lips.
The second time was much older later. When I was in secondary school. Secondary one I think. Went P.Ubin cycling with my brother. Back then, P.Ubin didn't had such nice road. Went down this super awesome off-track slope. Bumpy-ty-bumpy-ty-bump. Suddenly, don't know what the hell happened, I fell. According to my brother who went first and was at the bottom of the slope - my rear came flying up. The next thing was me losing control. And then sliding down a meter or so. Only a few scratches here & there though.
The next time was cycling with my ODAC mates. But that one was nothing much. Went down a slope. Did this skid-turn-stop, then sort of was too fast, so tip over and fell. Bruises only.
The last one, today. was epic. HAHA. Went down this slope (why is it always got to do with slopes? I just don't learn my lesson, do I? Sigh), went too fast. Car approaching. Turned. Couldn't make the turn. Braked. Skid. Turned. Fell. What a fall it was too. My front wheels went 180˚. Slight scratch on my bike. As for me, it's either cuts, bruise or scratches on all four limbs. Like. What the hell man. What a disgrace. Haha.
Well, that's that for bicycle's accidents.
In other news, it's break time for the next 2 weeks. Doesn't mean I can slack though. Got a ton of reading to do. Well, alright, it's all optional. As in, I chose them for myself. But I figured for me to be on par with the other students, I got to have some knowledge first. It's like, they'd stayed here & grew up in a suburb. Me? HDB. Which I suppose would categorise as... Erm... City in their context. Not like in Singapore where it would be considered a town. or neighbourhood. So, yep. It's a sad & long holiday for me.
Well, at least I get to rest at home and heal up my wounds. 2 weeks. Should be more than enough. Heheh.
No pictures again this time. *sad* But am too lazy to do so. It's like. I usually upload them to Photobucket. Then link it here, to Blogger. So, it's too much of a hassle. Specially with the limited bandwidth.
Oh, alright. I'll use the Blogger's one to upload while in my stay here. Sigh...
Took with Lumix's TZ7. Scene Mode:Starry Sky. Exposure: 60 seconds.
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