星期六, 三月 13, 2010

The good old days...

I wonder if there's a way to dual my font-type. So that it'll appear nice-nice on both Mac & Windows. Hahah.

I really wonder how this blog of mine is now. Figure it to be around... 4 years? I think I started this in JC 1. So, now, yeah. Roughly there.

Helping out one of my, what I consider an extremely good mate out now. He's working on his admission documents for university. Though I may be no expert at writing such articles yet, but, just helping where I can. Expression, subject-verb-agreement and the likes. Throwing in ideas. And gosh. Never thought I'd stayed up to help him. I repeat. HIM. Till so late. It's 0429hrs now, in case you're wondering.

About the reasons why I would stay up so late, forsaking my sleep on normal days (that means excluding chalets, holidays, vacations, slumber-parties), would probably up chatting with... *ahem*. *Cough, cough, cough* Yep. He's truly one of those good buddy of mine.

Hadn't quite intended to be blogging actually. But, the lack of nothingness to do & current situation kind of implored me to do so.

Sidetrack. Is it bad for the eyes if I watch a tilted screen?

Anyway, not feeling in the most of positive mood right now. Yea... It's my cousin's 21st. I should be happy for her & all. I am. Serious. Dead serious.

Listening to Eminem's "Like Toy Soldiers" right now. Such an emo track. It's making me all emo. And I'm so feeling the song. And looking at the calendar, seeing whose birthday comes after my cousin's. It really doesn't help a bloody single bit. Exactly one week after. And the date is like, etched into my mind. 'Cos it's exactly 2 months before. Which she always reminds me, due to my bad memory.

Smap's "Lion Heart". Awesome. Not another exactly happy track. Sigh... It's an emo emo night dude...

And... it's exactly 0500hrs now. Guess I don't have much of a time to sleep anymore huh.

I sometime think I should really go into the education line. I don't know why. But I always have this sense of... what's that you say. Sense of achievement? No... Sense of... reward. I think. Sense of reward whenever I help/teach people stuff. Especially more so after they get it. Not explicitly focusing on the matter at hand by the way. Just, generally.

Almost half an hour passed since the last time report. Oh man. So hungry. Don't know how I'm going to survive Saturday. And I was planning on completing all my assignments today. And then plan out all my assignments due dates. Then, I can leave Sunday for reference reading... Or maybe just slacking around. Been sometime since I touched Prince of Persia. And now, I have Rayman's Rabbid as well. Damn.

Really hungry now.

Somehow, this current situation reminds me of my secondary school days. Where I would on some days, not sleep late into the middle of night, chatting on the phone. Not with a girl (though sometimes, it's texting a girl late into the night till I fall asleep on my bed), but with a guy. Hahaha.

It's kind of weird how we lost contact with each other at one point of time. But, came together again as though this gap of year(s) wasn't there at all. Just like the good old days.

I suppose great good true close friends will forever stay that way, no matter the number of years without contact, huh. But if only it were the good old days indeed with everyone...




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