星期四, 二月 11, 2010

"And... We're On."

Entry logged at 0103hrs

Alright. I know I'm not suppose to be doing this at this time. Especially when I'm planning to wake up around 0800 to 0830hrs tomorrow. But, I want to.

Oh, I have the date & time logged above, 'cos I'm currently typing this entry on TextEdit. The new place's still Internet-less.

Yesterday, woke up rather early. 0830hrs or so. Slowly prepared myself up. After breakfast, packed up a few more miscellaneous items. Which took me 1hour or so. Then, took a few photos of the old place, uploaded the photos, attempted to put them on Facebook, but failed. 'Cos Eric & Jeff came round by then.

That's when all the men's work start coming in. Shifting fridges, washing machine, book shelf, study desk, beds, dining table, tee-vee, etc. Quite shack.

Hopped them onto this trailer. Transported them to the new place, unload them there & then. Lunch came after. Oh, had chicken rice for lunch. It was good.

Side-tracking, I think it's rather cool that laptop has this buttons where you control the volume. It's very handy. Typing halfway, just with your pinky used to skip tracks or control the volume. Essential at a time like this.

Back to trek. After lunch, I started unpacking everything. It was nightmare. Everything was piled up everywhere. Jie came round around 1500hrs. Basically, the remaining of the day was left to unpacking stuff. Mainly her bedroom & the kitchen area.

Today (more like yesterday, technically speaking), 100210, I'd stayed at home to continue with the unpacking. All the way into the night, 'cos Jie had a dinner appointment. Well, all the better. Can slowly unpack & arrange.

There was this 'quiz/test' I did the other time, during my OCIP. Something 'bout what type of learners you are. Results were quite accurate. I'm better if left alone & no time limit. That's how I like to do some stuff, I guess.

This entry looks really really long now.

Alright, last bit. So, after today. ended "work" approximately 2345hrs. Basically, almost everything's done. Remaining with a few items here, there. Besides that, the interior of the house's done. Even my room, yes. Oh, there's a study desk & book shelf dropping by tomorrow.

Guess tomorrow, I'll start with the outside. Hopefully, I can finish it by mid-afternoon.

Sigh~ Am I getting old? My back aches…

Entry logged at 1717hrs

Yep. Still Internet-less. Not that I'm complaining. Just that I'm disconnected from my family & friends. For now.

But it's a good thing actually. Being disconnected for these 2 days, it allowed me to clean up the house without any distraction. Yes. Any. I mean, without the Internet, I won't be checking on Facebook every now & then. Or play some games. Watch some anime. Read some manga. Wiki here, there. See what I mean?

Not to mention, there aren't many people who walk past the house, not that I can see them anyway.

My new single bed just came in. It's in my room now, with thanks to Tracy Jie & her dad. Shall do the arrangement after this entry. A few chairs disappeared with them too. The garage looks spacious now.

Wonder what time the study table's gonna arrived.

1723hrs. Just done with setting up the new bed & putting the previous one away.

You know why is it that some blogs, their posts are so detailed & such? Well, I think it's because these people have too much free time on their hands. Or maybe they're just procrastinating by blogging. Also, they've had nothing better to do. Explains why my recent entries are so long. And kind of detailed. They're like, fresh out of the oven entries.

Oh. I'm a little disappointed with my room. Realised that it kinda face the sun.

So, for the afternoon, the sun shine through the window. As such, I don't dare to leave all my electric appliances (i.e. chargers, USB cables, HDD, laptop, etc.) by the window sill. And on the table as well. Afraid it'll spoil or shorten the lifespan. Anyone knows if it will really do any harm to them? 'Cos it's like, space wasted. Sigh~ Now, I can't even put my photo frame there. Sure will spoil & de-colour one. Damn it.


So, the new Internet is up. Went for dinner with one of Jie's associates/friends. Adrian. Chinese cuisine for dinner. Came back home, Skyped. Saw 三姨, along with Ah-Bee & Edric. Showed them round the house. And yea. 'Bout it. Shall do some uploading of photos tomorrow afternoon. Taking a walk around in the morning. Maybe go for a run? I don't know. See how things go.



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