星期四, 二月 04, 2010


So, it's my 4th day here in Aussie Land.

D Day

Departure day was... Rushed. Got to the airport, checked in, went for breakfast, then off to catch my flight. Thank you all who came. Namely, Hazel, Nicole, Colleen, Regina, Andrew, Alex, YuTing, Susanna, Curina, Shihui, Xinyi, Lionel, Marie, Jerome, Meixing, Keith, Shermin, my Papa, Mama & of course, bro, mum & dad. And thank you to those who text-ted me as well. Hazel, Kristelle, Jasmine, Rachel & very possibly a few more. Hahaha. Oops. Sorry.

But damn. Apparently, someone was very happy with my departure. Oh well, shan't bother. 3,898km away. That's far.

Back to topic. Departure was rushed. No doubt, with that many people. The moment I passed custom, I quickly double-checked my berth. Next thing I know, I was running towards it. And damn was it FAR. Thankfully, I hold the biometric passport. Allows me to clear custom much much faster, instead of the usual queue.

I reached my berth, literally sweating & panting. Imagine. In Changi Airport, sweating. What a joke. Was kind of embarrassing as well. Somemore I had so many pieces of items. A trolley, a backpack, a rather big recycle bag. And to top it off, those humongous paper stash tube. Alright. Maybe with the tube, it wasn't that bad. At the most, people will just think of me as some artist or what. Which I'm pretty sure what those stares meant.

Plane ride. Exciting. Food. Bad. SIA food tastes better, in my opinion. Oh, oh. Temperature outside plane was like -53°C. Caused the sides of window to frost up a tiny bit. And the window felt really really cool to the touch.

Touched down! 4½hrs later.

Waited quite long for my luggage. Wondered why. Fieldpack was an okay wait. But my duffel bag caused me to be one the last few people to check out. Oh. The custom lady was really friendly. Hahah.

So, the first day, touched down, first stop was the factory. Saw a few people there. Whom I think I'll be seeing more of. After that, went for a little grocery shopping. Then, it was home. The place was really sweet. Small place, ya, but 'twas quite cosy. Spent the rest of the day at home. Alright, there was some moving around. But not much. Supermarket next door, and a shop few blocks down the street.

D+1 Day

2nd day. Jie took the day off. Went looking around Perth. Mainly, the district I was in, the city of Perth, and also went to my school. Checked it out.

The city was... unlike Singapore. Singapore's CBD is really pack and all. Shopping centre district, Orchard Road, more impressive than here's. But it's spacious here. Big, open space. Yup. They had this commonwealth bank of Australia or something. Kind of interesting building. Different design than the rest. Stands out a lot.

Got my handphone as well as open bank account on this day.

Had a look at the new place today. It's big. It's humongous. It's like your typical western style house you see in those older english movie. Pretty nifty place. Upload photos when shifted there officially. Damn, I'll prolly double upload photos again when the time comes.

D+2 Day

3rd day. Went to Jie's workplace. She works at some shopping centre. Thankfully, I'm good at keeping myself occupied if left alone. 'Cos I'd brought my MacBook there, but it died on me 1½hrs later. And I didn't brought my charger with me. Pathetic, right? At least there was this stack of paper and some writing materials, along with my iPod. Had wanted to get a comic book, so that I could at least copy & learn some of the drawing styles. BUT. They had no comic books at all! Not even a copy of Batman or Spiderman or Ironman or X-Men, not to mention Superman as well. Sigh~ Created some doodles in the end. Created Evil Eve & Evil Wall.e in the process.

D+3 Day

That's today I'm logging this down. Day 4. (This is like some, post apocalyptic diary. Or some, post deep space biological disaster log.) Anyway, same as yesterday. Exception. I got my MacBook up & running. Allowing me to do this right here, right now.

D-1 Day

Went for my chinese calligraphy class as usual. In the morning. Afternoon, went to Papa's and dropped off my luggage. As well as did a little of repacking. Late afternoon was spent roller-skating. Now that I'm more proficient with it. It's pretty fun. Hahahah. Went with the Midnight Crew, minus Nicole. And we have an addition to the group as well. Hazel! Hahah.

After blading, dinner was spent with Papa, Mama, Korkor & Winnie Jiejie. Headed back to Papa's after dinner. And dinner. Was really really filling.

Night approaches, headed out again. To Chomp-Chomp this time. Naturally, with the Midnight Crew. Nicole, Hazel, Regina, Alex, Yu Ting, Andrew. Supper/dinner there, then headed to Lower Pierce Reservoir for some relax & chilling out. Spent quite some time there. Then to Hans for a little bite. Then, home sweet home. I believed none of them slept much. Me. Slept an hour. Reached Papa's at 0430hrs. Gosh.

And that's pretty much my last night in Singapore before I departed for Australia.

Oh, did I mention I had set up my Skype account now. As well as installed MSN for Mac. sadly, the MSN for Mac isn't what I expected. Not as good as the one for Windows. Or maybe it's just the wrong version. Hahah.

Is my Mac considered... Macintosh OS X? Anyone? Hahaha.

And i just realised. I can't see my Bradley Hand font on Mac. Damn. And if i switched font, doubt anyone else can see it. Damn.



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