Up and Out
Alright. So much had happened in just the past few days. Let's back-track a while huh.
After the outing with Sex 2 (a Thursday), Friday, was pretty much bumming around. Saturday, headed over to my Aunt's place (again). Basically, my mum dragged me along. She went there to help out with some things. Me, slacked away. more like charging up my lappy & typing out my packing list.
And then. Had dinner. At Long Beach. Damn... I'm telling you, I am getting fat. Gosh. Had crabs, some shell thingy, chicken, prawns... etc, etc, etc. Oh man... There was me Grandma, Aunt, Mummy, Mama, Papa, Uncle, Aunt & Victor, my cousin.
Sunday, if I'd remembered correctly, consisted of eating as well. Though at where, can't really recall...
Oh, I remember now. Sunday, went to help out at this SBDTA (it's a dance competition event) as an Official. Yea... So, there was food as well. Summary. Had two filling dinner. Gasp.
Okay. So... After that, Monday, went shopping with my brother. Bought a National Geographic bag. Take that Crumpler! Hah. Bought the projector adapter for my lappy as well. Then... a soft cover for it as well... And... I think that's pretty much it. Yea...
OH. That's not all. Sunday. After the dance competition event, headed out again. With Alex, Siewhoon, Yu Ting & Regina. Had intended to go star-gazing. But due to undesirable circumstances, well, let's just say the stars were shy huh. Afterward, it. Was. Supper. Can you believe it? I'm surprise that I'm not THAT round. Yet.
Oh, and did I mention that we celebrated Regina's birthday... on... one of the days. Hahaha. Sorry. Quite some time back. So, can't really recall the date. Went Mind's. Her present was this Barbie Doll. 'Cos she'd never had one before. So we decided on it for her. Heheh. Quite cute actually.
Wednesday, Thursday. Spent on P.Ubin. That's with Nicholas, Shengyu & Roger. Alright. Quite fun. Managed to get a few nice shots here and there. And damn... I'd actually waited one hour plus for them. Argh...
So, last thing. (Or maybe not.) Today, or rather 181209, met up with the ODAC clique (again, yes, haha) for early X'mas celebrations. Then, Hazel, Peiwen & YeeJean came along as well. It's been ages since I'd last saw them. It was really really nice & fun to see them again.
And it looks like I was right. YeeJean does look good. Even till now. Hahaha. No, I'm not having a crush on her. Just an eye candy you could say.
So many things happening. Earlier on Friday, jumped over to IDP. Quite a bother to travel there. But, no choice. So, how? Suck thumb. Settled the student visa thingy. As well as the first phase for flight booking. There's really a lot of things to settle for studying overseas.
And guess what? I saw Rebecca there! Such a coincidence. And even more surprisingly, she's going to Murdoch! At Perth! And Chern Hui's over there as well. Well, well, what a surprise huh?
And damn it la. I've no idea how the hell I was controlling myself back then. Those words of his. I know he has the rights to do so. But his approach, and the way he says it. It just doesn't flow with me. Damn. He had NEVER done any of this shit before. And now that I'm 20. He comes along and pull this stunt. Who wouldn't be pissed. Ahh. Just fuck it all man. Fuck it all.
Alright. Back to the present.
Tomorrow. Watching a play at Cheng San CC. Marie's in it, so I'm going to show some support. Oh, going to Ang Mo Kio to grab something as well. Sunday's probably the whole day out with Po4 gang. And Monday, it's my X-Ray & medical check-up for my visa processing. (Damn it all. It's so expensive.) Then most probably, will head down to studio for some looks. Hahaha.
That's it for now then, I suppose. And it IS getting TOO late. Ought to be asleep. Nights.
Some photos!

Night at P.Ubin

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