Yesterday was really much like a dream to me. Everything seemed so surreal.
What happened was me & me mum went to my aunt's house, with regards to my university acceptance. Waited, waited, waited. Then things came through. Got the stuff, left. Went to RELC, settled the matters. Done.
Now, all that's left is to wait for the confirmation to come. After that, it'll be quite a lot of things to settle. Probably means quite a lot of rushing here & there for me. Sigh... I just wish I had a little more time. At least to settle some personal matters of mine. In particular one. Oh damnation.
Back to track, went to my uncle's place after. Got a suit from him. Surprisingly, it fitted me quite well, if not perfect. Just had to alter the pants a little. Gosh...
I really really need to thank my relatives for all they're doing for me man... If it weren't for them, I wouldn't even had a chance at this new chapter of my life. Really, really am bloody grateful/thankful for them. Will really have to repay them back some day. Education huh... Whoever said it was easy.
And I'm so sorry Nicholas, that I'm unable to attend the wake. Really.
So, on the 23rd of November, the group of us (Alex, Colleen, Desmond (Nic's brother), Nicole, Regina, Valerie (Regi's sister), Yu Ting) headed into Johor for a day of fun & excitement.
It was awesome. With credits going to Alex for planning the trip. Met up at Kranji Station. Was there early, so waited around for them. Kind of shocking. Apparently, the whole lot of them showed up together, as a whole bunch. Hah. And when I saw Colleen, I was like... "Oh my... IS. THAT. COLLEEN." No offense girl. *laugh* But admire your courage with the hair. Awesome (not in a sarcastic sense).
And well, honestly speaking, this was the very first time that I'd seen Valerie up close. Eh... Though she's my junior, and in the same CCA as I back in Zhonghua, but still, I'd never really bothered myself with the girls. Training is training back then, at least to me. And it still is, alright.
The sister looks not bad too. Better than the sister. Oops. Hahaha. Nah. Just kidding. The both of them look great.
So, took a bus to the Woodlands Checkpoint. Cleared it, though I was stuck there for seconds more (maybe of my beard, who knows). Few steps and we landed at the designated shopping mall. Had breakfast there, Mcdonald's breakfast. I had a yolk-less egg, damn it. And Yu Ting & Alex went to collect the car.
Was some time before the car came. And then, it's move out time!
First destination was Go-Kart. Kinda lost the sense of direction, so winded up asking for directions. And Colleen, well, shan't mention it here. Hahaha.
With some help, managed to get there. And oh gosh. First try, it was scary. Was so afraid that the rocks that were flying up as I went by, would hit the camera lens (was video-ing some of the way). I really need to get a compact camera soon. After the first round, the next was pure speed.
Quite shack actually, Go-Kart. Surprisingly.
And then went for lunch. After, was paintball wars. Poor Nicole & Colleen. Gosh. They were brutally attacked. *laugh* And damn. If possible, protect your mouth. he taste of those small paintball pellets taste disgusting. It's an unworldly sort of bitter, I'm telling you. And I had to experience it 3 times. Uugh.
Paintball lasted quite long. Longer than I'd expected. And it was really tiring. Running here, there, everywhere.
After, had a foot massage, then dinner. Oh, oh. We had went to buy some stuff as well. Eye opener. THEN, it was dinner. And dinner was really speechless.
And well, that pretty much sums it up. Wonderful trip. Memorable trip. Fun trip. We should go on a getaway sometime.
And I think it's been a very long time that I'd left any photos on my blog. So, here's some of them to look at...

And I'm thinking that Facebook is kind of removing the need of me to post any photos up here at all. I mean. People who read my blog (if there's any at all), will surely have my Facebook account as well, right? Well, at least majority of them. Then if that's the case, then they can simply cross-refer to the photos up there?
But, you know what? It doesn't matter. I don' care. I'll still leave some photos in this space. Just for the sake of colouring my blog.
Not in any particular order:
And some photos (5 to be exact) from a kayaking expedition.
And I'd realised now, that blogger has become quite smart. They actually orientate your photos automatically. Unlike when I first started out, I had to manually rotate them before uploading. Neat. Well, maybe for the last photo? Heh...
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