Race with the Wind
Damn... After like... A whole afternoon, I've yet to find an ideal arm wallet. The closest I'd found is a New Balance one. And the colours kind of suck. Red & black. Or lime-green (somewhere along those lines) & black. Sigh. And not say the red very nice shade of red also. And not to mention it's found at Velocity there. So, if I do get it, I'll probably have to make a special trip down. Sigh~
So tired today, after running like 5 to 6 places. Oh man... My legs... It feels like I'd went for a route march. Alright, maybe route march may even feel better.
Back to track, I think I'll get the New Balance one. Quite in need of one.
Then, also went to browse at notebooks today as well. I am sooo bloody tempted to get the Alienware. Damn. It's one big massive monster. I don't mind the weight, really. Given the specs and all. Oh gosh.

Sigh~ All thanks to my brother for introducing this monster to me. Providing you with the specs. It's capable of up to 8GB ram, using 2 graphic cards, a GTX and GeForce 9800. Both Nvidia types. The GeForce 9800 is actually more than enough for most games (now). But the GTX is actually one level higher. And the laptop has a resolution 1900 x 1200, HD capability. Talk about wicked graphics. And also, able to expand up to 1TB worth of hard disk space.
Now you know why it's a monster. At 11.68pounds. That's approximately 5kg. So... One Alienware (preferably M17x) for Christmas, anyone? Muahahah
BUT. Thinking back, I think that's really a overkill? Right now, my bro's comp running on 4GB ram, 300+GB hard disk space. It's not bad already. Runs games like Tomb Raider: Underworld, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warefare & Far Cry 2 pretty smoothly. And at it's best graphics too. Sigh~ Let me not get too greedy huh.
So, probably will be settling for a MacBook Pro, 15-inch, upgrade to a dual O.S., along with splitting of its hard disk. You know, just in case one O.S. crashes.
And gosh. This entry seems so... Techie. Hah. It shouldn't be titled "Race with the Wind" really. Maybe something like... Notebook Race. Or something. I don't know...
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