February 1st
So many things have been happening! Whew.
So, there was YiLing's 21st. Felt so under-dressed. Hahahah. Then, house cleaning at my aunt's wasn't completed within a day. So had to go back another day (which my brother didn't go, so, asked Victoria, my cousin, instead). Met up with Vic & Vic, cousins, on 140110, Thursday. And now, Victoria finally learns how to use a bicycle. Awesome.
15th, first half, was spent with Jean & Valerie at K-Box. Then, later half was spent BBQ-ing at Alex's. Hazel went. Surprisingly. In, a pleasant way of course. 16th, Saturday, was spent out with cousins once more. The dogs & cats lovers went to watch their cats & dogs. Movie afterward. Some LAN gaming at night. 17th. Yesterday, dinner with P04 mates for Curina's 21st.
And that was like, a vomit of events. So, is this what happens when one is about to go overseas for studies?
And. I can't help it. But, I can't wait for 1st February to come. It's like, this past few days, been on the nagging end. It's getting on my nerves. Yesterday was pretty much the finale for the first part. Like. Screw everything man. Screw it all.
Sigh~ Going overseas study may be a good thing after all. Give myself a break from this bullshit. Feel pretty bad 'bout leaving my brother behind though. The rest? I'm a monster, that's what I am. I don't really care much, for now. At least, not after yesterday.
And the day of the BBQ. Kind of enjoyed the end. 0300. More or less around there. *Smiles* And gasp. Just thinking of what I'm about to do, give me the jitters. Butterflies in stomach. Whatever it is. I guess I still have to do it. Make or break.
Some photos.

Well, there are still more photos. Like the ones from YiLing's 21st. But, I've deleted them already (though they're in the recycle bin & can be restored, it's too much of a hassale).
And damn. Melbourne's pretty far away from Perth.
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